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americium Meaning in Bengali



americium শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

Actinide [Rn] 5f4 6d1 7s2 (*) 94 Pu Plutonium Actinide [Rn] 5f6 7s2 95 Am Americium Actinide [Rn] 5f7 7s2 96 Cm Curium Actinide [Rn] 5f7 6d1 7s2 (*) 97 Bk ।

8682(2) 11 5 Al Aluminium (Aluminum) Latin alumen 13 26.9815386(8) 13 3 Am Americium the Americas 95 [243]   7 Ar Argon Greek argon 18 39.948(1) 18 3 As Arsenic ।

Neptunium ২, ৮, ১৮, ৩২, ২২, ৯, ২ ৯৪ Plutonium ২, ৮, ১৮, ৩২, ২৪, ৮, ২ ৯৫ Americium ২, ৮, ১৮, ৩২, ২৫, ৮, ২ ৯৬ Curium ২, ৮, ১৮, ৩২, ২৫, ৯, ২ ৯৭ Berkelium ২ ।

ভর শ্রেণী পর্যায় Actinium Ac 89 [227]   7 Aluminum; see Aluminium Al Americium Am 95 [243]   7 Antimony (Stibium) Sb 51 121.760(1) 15 5 Argentum—see ।

isotopes Neptunium 93 Np [237] isotopes Plutonium 94 Pu [244] isotopes Americium 95 Am [243] isotopes Curium 96 Cm [247] isotopes Berkelium 97 Bk [247] ।

Accidents. Chapter 5, Troubles tomorrow? Separated Neptunium 237 and Americium, Challenges of Fissile Material Control (1999), isis-online.org P. Weiss ।

93 Neptunium Np [237]1 n/a 7 92 Uranium U 238.02891(3)1 2 3 n/a 7 95 Americium Am [243]1 n/a 7 94 Plutonium Pu [244]1 n/a 7 96 Curium Cm [247]1 n/a 7 ।

Bombarding 238U by neutrons Plutonium 1941 Bombarding 238U by deuterons Americium 1944 Bombarding 239Pu by neutrons Curium 1944 Bombarding 239Pu by α-particles ।

americium's Usage Examples:

Americium dioxide (AmO2) is a black compound of americium.

Play media An ionization smoke detector uses a radioisotope, typically americium-241, to ionize air; a difference due to smoke is detected and an alarm.

Americium(III) chloride or americium trichloride is the chemical compound composed of americium and chlorine with the formula AmCl3.

The minor actinides include neptunium (element 93), americium (element 95), curium (element 96), berkelium (element 97), californium.

Americium(II) chloride, also known as dichloroamericium, is the chemical compound composed of americium and chloride with the formula AmCl2.

Americium-241 (241Am, Am-241) is an isotope of americium.

Like all isotopes of americium, it is radioactive, with a half-life of 432.

Americium(III) fluoride or americium trifluoride is the chemical compound composed of americium and fluorine with the formula AmF3.

Americium(III) oxide or americium sesquioxide is an oxide of the element americium.

Since all isotopes of americium.

While actinium and the late actinides (from americium onwards) behave similarly to the lanthanides, the elements thorium, protactinium.

Americium(III) bromide or americium tribromide is the chemical compound composed of americium and bromine with the formula AmBr3, with americium in a +3.

discovered even though it is the fourth in the series – the lighter element americium was unknown at the time.

products containing americium (such as smoke detectors) as well as nuclear reactors and explosions may also release the americium into the environment.

transuranium element discovered after neptunium, plutonium, curium and americium.

spent nuclear fuel waits before reprocessing, the more 241Pu decays to americium-241, which is nonfissile (although fissionable by fast neutrons) and an.

The radionuclide used is americium-241, which is created by bombarding plutonium with neutrons in a nuclear.

lead-193m2 135 lead-198m2 137 lead-196m3 140 lead-190m1 150 thallium-198m2 150 americium-239m 163 lead-192m1 164 bismuth-199m3 168 neon-33 180 sodium-36 180 curium-242m.

Americium(II) bromide or americium dibromide is the chemical compound composed of an americium cation in the +2 oxidation state and 2 bromide ions in each.


metallic element; atomic number 95; Am; metal;



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