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amortised Meaning in Bengali

 পরিচালকসংঘের হাতে দেত্তয়া, নি:শেষ করিয়া ফেলা,


নি:শেষ করিয়া ফেলা, পরিচালকসংঘের হাতে দেত্তয়া,

amortised's Usage Examples:

Daffodil-based design; but the 33, its development costs presumably long since amortised,[citation needed] remained in production with its new name.

expected to fall much more over time after initial expenditures have amortised.

High development costs had to be amortised over the number of cars sold, and the low sales level led to a high retail.

built next door to the proposed MINI line at Longbridge, and already had amortised its R'D.

Over time, the Zillmer asset is amortised as the initial expenses are effectively recouped.

of a NAV calculation using the book value, the historical cost, or the amortised cost of the company's assets, or an appropriate combination of the three.

losses rather than incurred losses for all financial assets recorded at amortised cost.

The price may have been justified by the level of the fixed costs to be amortised from the company's large plant in Neuilly, but for a customer able to.

Under the Indian accounting system, this amount is amortised over the 10-year period at 10% per annum.

released Djengoue on 1 September 2008, made Inter had to write-down the non amortised contract value of around €32,000.

include changes to payment dates, notional changes (such as those in amortised IRSs), accrual period adjustment and calculation convention changes (such.

maps + sibling lists}}'O(1)'O(1)'O(1)\end{array}}} The insertion cost is amortised, and that the costs for hashing are given for perfect hashing.

had a player profit of 997 million lire and extra 1 billion lire to be amortised in 5-years.

(but intangible asset of new player's contract), the acquire cost was to amortised proportionality during the player contract (usually multi-year), overall.

from 1 byte to 4 kilobytes in order to allow its larger overhead to be amortised over a large transaction.

Now some of these - when I say a few hundred dollars, by the time it's amortised over the network, that's how much the program costs.

energy consumption as the associated energy cost of reconfiguration are amortised over a longer period of time.

The longer a relationship, the lower the amortised cost.


amortize; liquidate; pay off;



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