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amphibrachs Meaning in Bengali

স্বরাঘাতহীন নিষ্পেষিত-স্বরাঘাতহীন সিলাবল সঙ্গে একটি ছন্দোময় ইউনিট (উদাঃ `স্মরণ '

amphibrachs's Usage Examples:

is written in the form of a letter (many of the lines are written in amphibrachs).

The first, second and fifth are usually either anapaests or amphibrachs.

and decasyllabics, iambic, trochaic, dactylic, anapaestic, as well as amphibrachs.

dialogue, not only the parts set out as verse, are in a metre "built on amphibrachs and amphimacers, two of the most obscure and seldom-seen tools in the.

amphibrachs's Meaning':

a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g. `remember'


metrical foot; foot; metrical unit;


ride; subtract; head;

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