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analcite Meaning in Bengali



analcite শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"Calcite Mineral Data" ।

করেছে (link) "Calcite" ।

analcite's Usage Examples:

Analcime or analcite (from the Greek analkimos - "weak") is a white, gray, or colorless tectosilicate mineral.

usually abundant feldspathoids (nepheline, sodalite, hauyne, leucite and analcite) and alkali feldspar (sanidine, anorthoclase or orthoclase), and rare sodic.

pre-Tertiary rocks leucite readily decomposes and changes to zeolites, analcite and other secondary minerals.

plagioclase set in a groundmass of augite and more sodic plagioclase and perhaps analcite and biotite.

that the ground mass of the monchiquites is not a glass but crystalline analcite.

leucitic and analcitic series evolves from nephelinite or melilite through analcite to leucitite or wyomingite.

mineral assemblages: In meta-igneous rocks and greywackes: heulandite + analcite + quartz ± clay minerals laumontite + albite + quartz ± chlorite In metapelites:.

be stained with coloring matters, such as the aniline dyes (nepheline, analcite, zeolites, etc.

Analcime, analcite, epidote, hornblende, prehnite, calcite, diorite and pectolite are all.

A central area of quartz or of analcite probably represents an original miarolitic cavity infilled at a later period.

Amblygonite Ameghinite Amesite Amicite Amphibole (mineral group) Analcime (analcite) Anandite Anapaite Anatase Ancylite (mineral group) Andalusite Andersonite.

contains phonolite and its minerals include aegyrite, alkali feldspar, analcite, foidite, leucite, noselite and titanaugite.

lavas contain nepheline or leucite, are often rich in zeolites, such as analcite, prehnite, natrolite, scolecite, chabazite, heulandite, etc.

twinning which is a determining factor for differentiating paulingite from analcite (NaAlSi2O6•H2O) .

hydroxides (boehmite, gibbsite, diaspore, corundum); Aluminosilicates (analcite, cancrinite, noselite); Copper (metallic copper, cuprite, tenorite); Phosphates.

The alkaline basalt contains olivine and analcite.

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