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analgesics Meaning in Bengali


ব্যাথা কমানোর ঔষধ, বেদনানাশক ঔষধ,

analgesics শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পৃষ্ঠস্থ পোড়া হলে সাধারণ ব্যাথা কমানোর ঔষধ তুলনায় একটু বেশি দিয়ে পরিচালিত হতে পারে, গুরুতর পোড়া হলে বিশেষ ।

analgesics's Usage Examples:

traditional analgesics are less effective, and there is often benefit from classes of drugs that are not normally considered analgesics, such as tricyclic.

Long-term use of NSAID analgesics and ibuprofen is associated with an increased risk of hearing loss in.

There are two main types: non-narcotic analgesics for mild pain, and narcotic analgesics for severe.

a new report showed a clear risk of prolonged opioid use when opioid analgesics are initiated for an acute pain management following surgery or trauma.

List of investigational analgesics McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M, Tracey I, Turk D (March 2013).

In the UK there are only two other combination analgesics with antiemetics (i.

"Modulators of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as analgesics".

anesthesia, mainly to reverse the respiratory depression produced by opioid analgesics and barbiturates used for induction of surgical anaesthesia whilst maintaining.

List of investigational analgesics Bagal SK, Chapman ML, Marron BE, Prime R, Storer RI, Swain NA (August.

List of investigational analgesics Martz L (2014).

and analgesics A03DA02 Pitofenone and analgesics A03DA03 Bevonium and analgesics A03DA04 Ciclonium and analgesics A03DA05 Camylofin and analgesics A03DA06.


acetphenetidin; amidopyrine; acetanilid; morphine; Phenaphen; St. Joseph; hydromorphone hydrochloride; phenacetin; Dilaudid; Anacin III; acetanilide; painkiller; medicine; Panadol; medication; Tempra; anodyne; medicament; Pyridium; codeine; pentazocine; acetylsalicylic acid; phenazopyridine; acetaminophen; medicinal drug; Bayer; Talwin; Tylenol; Empirin; morphia; hydromorphone; acetophenetidin; aspirin; sodium salicylate; propoxyphene; Fentanyl; propoxyphene hydrochloride; aminopyrine; colchicine; Darvon; Sublimaze; phenylacetamide; Datril; pain pill;


prescription drug; prescription medicine; over-the-counter drug; intensifying;

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