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anamnestic Meaning in Bengali

বা মনে পড়া সংক্রান্ত; মেমরি প্রতিপোষক

anamnestic's Usage Examples:

This term was coined to mean that the report of the test provided an anamnestic report containing a family, relational and health history of the subject.

computer or entered into the computer from printed forms and produces an anamnestic report about the subjects' sexual and relational condition.

identification and contact data, date of next visit, number of previous visits, anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical data, applied treatment, and treatment results.

Immunnologic unresponsiveness during the initial and anamnestic Forssman hemolysin response.

transfusion, a subsequent robust antibody response in the patient can occur (anamnestic response), resulting in hemolysis of the transfused red blood cells.

body and initiate a stronger, more rapid antibody response (known as the anamnestic secondary antibody response) if they detect the antigen that had activated.

RhD-negative compared to RhD-positive subjects without anamnestic titres of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies have shorter reaction times in tests.

Its diagnosis can be difficult in the lack of contributing anamnestic elements.

immunity in rabbits, he published a description of what is now known as the anamnestic response;:169–70 and in 1933, working with William H.

assesses responses to multiple antigens simultaneously does not boost anamnestic immune responses (see Latent tuberculosis#Boosting).

As a result, she maintains that their arbitrary conclusions and anamnestic “verdicts”, most of the time, would end up with approximate or erroneous.

Greek μνᾶσθαι (mnâsthai), μνήμη (mnḗmē) amnesia, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, dysmnesia, Mneme, mneme, mnemonic mod- measure, change Latin modus "measure".

Dechazal, Arsene Burny, Peter Nara ' Robert C Gallo, "A group specific anamnestic immune reaction against HIV-1 induced by a candidate vaccine against AIDS".

antigens from various stages of the parasite in the hopes of triggering an anamnestic immune response in the recipient, prevent disease and parasite transmission.

anamnestic's Meaning':

of or relating to anamnesis; aiding the memory

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