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anaphylactic Meaning in Bengali

অ্যানাফাইলাক্সিসের নামে পরিচিত hypersensitivity এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত



anaphylactic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"Anaphylactic reaction after eating a mango" ।

anaphylactic's Usage Examples:

allergic reactions and induce anaphylactic shock; as such, there is no "antidote" for these venoms; however anaphylactic shock can be treated (e.

1963 but anaphylactic reactions caused it to be withdrawn shortly afterwards.

Even though Cremophor EL has been shown to cause anaphylactic reactions.

either selectively release (piecemeal degranulation) or rapidly release (anaphylactic degranulation) "mediators", or compounds that induce inflammation, from.

eicosanoids consisting of the prostaglandins (mediators of inflammatory and anaphylactic reactions), the thromboxanes (mediators of vasoconstriction), and the.

aspirin because of the risk of Reye's syndrome, and a person with an anaphylactic food allergy should never eat the food to which they are allergic.

allergic reactions in sensitive individuals, up to and including severe anaphylactic shock.

fresh frozen plasma (FFP) with its associated risks of infections or anaphylactic reactions.

allergen cross-links the bound IgE on sensitized cells, resulting in anaphylactic degranulation, which is the immediate and explosive release of pharmacologically.

least some Stichodactyla are highly venomous and their sting may cause anaphylactic shock and organ failure (notably acute liver failure).

anaphylactoid reaction, causing cardiac arrest and sudden death due to anaphylactic shock.

salicylic acid-based acne prevention medicine with hypersensitivity and anaphylactic reactions without calling off any products or placing warnings.

Mast cells secrete it during the anaphylactic reaction, inducing inflammation.

foods or beverages, drowning after shock from swimming in cold water and anaphylactic shock.

rhinitis, eczema and occupational allergy, food and drug allergy, severe anaphylactic reactions, autoimmune disorders, and immunodeficiencies.

In anaphylactic patients the response is more aggressive leading to a systemic reaction.

susceptible to a variety of symptoms, including itching, hives, and anaphylactic shock, caused by the release of histamine and other pro-inflammatory.

reduce airway swelling in the event of anaphylactic shock.

Note that epinephrine does not treat the anaphylactic shock itself, it only opens the airway.

anaphylactic's Meaning':

related to the hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis

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