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anathematized Meaning in Bengali

অভিশাপ বা মন্দ বা অভিশাপ হতে ডিক্লেয়ার বা ঐশ্বরিক শাস্তি দিয়ে হুমকি

anathematized's Usage Examples:

The two causes for which a person may be anathematized are heresy and schism.

Honorius was posthumously anathematized, initially for subscribing to monothelitism, and later only for failing.

He was bishop in 516–524 AD John III anathematized all the opponents of the Council of Chalcedon.

In the canons of the council, the Armenians anathematized both the aphthartodocetists (who believed that Jesus' body was incorruptible).

Three Chapters (τρία κεφάλαια, tría kephálaia) that Emperor Justinian I anathematized were: The person and writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia Certain writings.

erroneous teachings of Eutyches, the attendees of Ephesus III summarily anathematized all teachings which compromised the humanity of Christ, but without.

He anathematized those who separate the two natures, those who confuse them and those.

contemporary forms of Greek Orthodox worship, these Christians were anathematized, together with their ritual, in a Synod of 1666–67, producing a division.

several political opponents of the emperor, and even convoked synods that anathematized Palaiologos and the supporters of the Union.

They were anathematized by the bishops, but would not cease to preach.

missionaries; Asseggahen wrote to Antoine d'Abbadie that Atnatewos anathematized the Catholic bishop Massaia, and threatened to excommunicate the inhabitants.

its bishops, was condemned by the Council of Chalcedon for not having anathematized the Patriarch Dioscorus.

Its rulings were anathematized at the Lateran Council of 769 before being overturned almost entirely.

people continued to shout with all their might, "Severus is now to be anathematized; anathematize him this instant, or there's nothing done!".

participated in the first five sessions of the Council of 869/70 that anathematized Photios, as the representative of the Byzantine Senate.

He was condemned and anathematized by a synod of 42 Western bishops at Rome 485, and excommunicated.

eponymous heresiarch, or had inspired the teaching for which he was anathematized and exiled.

independent national church of the Bulgarians in May 1872, Ilarion was anathematized by the Patriarchal Synod.

After Julian's death in battle in 363, the essay was anathematized, and even the text was lost.

to recant by religious authority, one who refused to recant may be anathematized or excommunicated or subject to social exclusion.

anathematized's Meaning':

curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment


anathemize; comminate; deplore; anathemise; execrate; accurse; anathematise;


bless; praise; cheer; love;

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