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androecium Meaning in Bengali

একটি পুরুষ gametoecium



androecium's Usage Examples:

Collectively the stamens form the androecium.

and a structure containing one or more antheridia is called an androecium.

the base The corolla: zero or more whorls of petals above the calyx The androecium: zero or more whorls of stamens, each comprising a filament and an anther.

) androecium in two whorls, first contains 3 stamens and 2 staminodes, second whorl lost A1+2° – (Ronse De Craene) androecium in two whorls.

pollen-producing reproductive organs, the stamens, collectively called the androecium.

termed a corolla; one or more whorls of stamens (together termed the androecium); and a single whorl of carpels termed the gynoecium.

and has the unusual characteristic of inverted positions of the male (androecium) and female (gynoecium) floral parts, something that had not been seen.

flowers, disposed in little glomerules, have a white corolla, with the androecium welded to the corolla.

petals in a whorl of the corolla, the number of stamens in a whorl of the androecium, or the number of carpels in a whorl of the gynoecium.

The corolla has 5 free petals and an androecium of numerous stamens, typically with free filaments which are not fused.

The androecium is obdiplostemonous.

female gametophytes These two components are the androecium and gynoecium, respectively.

projecting part of the column in Orchidaceae flowers, and separates the male androecium from the female gynoecium, commonly preventing self-fertilisation.

They can be distinguished by their non-monocyclic androecium with anthers basifixed and borne on short filaments.

The irregularities in symmetry can be due to the androecium, to the perianth, or both at the same time.

The five-sided androecium ring wall is divided into five sections that alternate with the sepals.

The androecium tube contains ten vascular.

determined by the insertion point, where the other floral parts (perianth and androecium) come together and attach to the surface of the ovary.

in a genus of their own by virtue of their tiny flowers and peculiar androecium (see description below).

androecium's Meaning':

a male gametoecium

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