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angary Meaning in Bengali


কঠোর, আক্রোশপূর্ণ, ক্রোধান্মত্ত, ক্রোধপূর্ণ, ক্রোধান্বিত, ক্রোধিত, জ্বরতপ্ত, খেপা, চড়া, অমঙ্গলসূচক, অলক্ষুণে, অশুভ, পীড়াদায়ক, কষ্টদায়ক, অমর্ষিত, অগ্নিমূর্তি, উষ্ণ, উষ্মান্বিত, কুপিত, উদ্বেল, উত্তেজিত, যন্ত্রণাময়, প্রদাহপূর্ণ, রূষ্ট, রাগী, রাগান্বিত, খাপ্পা, ক্রুদ্ধ,

angary's Usage Examples:

them into German service when they left the North Sea, citing right of angary.

in their ports and justified it with the legal concept of the 'right of angary'.

, French law), such as the droit of angary, the droit d'achat (right of pre-emption) in the case of contraband, the.

The ship was taken over by the United States under the right of angary on 20 March 1918 at San Juan, Puerto Rico.

proclamation declaring the American seizure of neutral ships under the right of angary — which in wartime allowed a belligerent power to use the property of a.

seizure of Dutch ships in American ports under international law's right of angary.

from Fascist Italy and were on their delivery voyage, citing the right of angary, which allows for the taking of neutral property to prevent its use by the.

seized at Newport News by the United States Government under the right of angary, which allowed a belligerent power to use the property of a neutral nation.

goods captured at sea) Regulation of trade with the enemy Crown's right of angary, in time of war, to appropriate the property of a neutral which is within.

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