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anger Meaning in Bengali

 রাগ , ক্রোধ


চোট, প্রকোপ, আক্রোশ, কোপ, রোষ, ক্রোধ, গোসা, নেকনজর, গরমি, গাত্রদাহ, তাপ, উষ্ণ, উত্তাপ, আমর্ষ, অমর্ষ, বিরক্তি, রাগ,


ক্রোধিত করা, ক্রুদ্ধ করা, উত্তাপিত করা, রাগান্বিত করা, বিরক্ত করা, জ্বালাতন করা, খেপান, রাগান, রূষ্ট করান, ক্রুদ্ধ করান,

anger's Usage Examples:

feigning compliance with requests, sarcasm, backhanded compliments, and hiding anger.

"free from anger".

Akrodha is a fusion word a (अ, without, non) and krodha (क्रोध, anger), or 'without.

study of 1992, in which they concluded that the six basic emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise.

Rage (also known as frenzy or fury) is intense, uncontrolled anger that is an increased stage of hostile response to a perceived egregious injury or injustice.

Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control.

It has been described as deploying anger successfully.

temperance (self-control), generosity, greatness of soul (magnanimity), measured anger, friendship, and wit or charm.

resentment is anger directed towards a higher-status individual; anger is directed towards an equal-status individual; and contempt is anger directed towards.

emotion that has been described as a mixture of disappointment, disgust, anger, and fear.

Empathic anger has direct effects on both helping and punishing desires.

Empathic anger can be divided into two sub-categories: trait empathic anger and state.

These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving.


chafe; huffiness; madness; ill temper; emotion; annoyance; outrage; enragement; dander; indignation; choler; offense; offence; infuriation; bad temper; fury; umbrage; vexation; ire; hackles; rage;


descent; demote; bless; curse; fall;

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