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anharmonic Meaning in Bengali


সুরসংগতিহীন, বিসংবাদী,

anharmonic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিসংবাদী নেতা সুজাত হুসাইনকে দলীয় সভাপতি মনোনীত করা হয়, দলটি পিএমএল (এন) এর কাঠামো ।

Bernard Shaw; ২৬ জুলাই ১৮৫৬ – ২ নভেম্বর ১৯৫০) একজন আইরিশ নাট্যকার, সমালোচক, বিসংবাদী এবং রাজনৈতিক কর্মী ।

ল্যাটিচুডিনারীয়দের মত সকল গোঁড়াবাদী এবং বিসংবাদী (dissident) ধর্মপ্রচারকরাই তার এই চিন্তাধারাকে দ্রুত গেহণ করে নিয়েছিল ।

anharmonic's Usage Examples:

In geometry, the cross-ratio, also called the double ratio and anharmonic ratio, is a number associated with a list of four collinear points, particularly.

to an anharmonic oscillator; the observation of overtones is only possible because vibrations are anharmonic.

Another consequence of anharmonicity is that.

In classical mechanics, anharmonicity is the deviation of a system from being a harmonic oscillator.

potentials, Path integral method applied to anharmonic and periodic potentials, discovery that for anharmonic and periodic potentials the equation of small.

potential is that of a "perturbed simple harmonic oscillator" or ″pure anharmonic oscillator″ having a purely discrete energy spectrum.

article, Heisenberg tried to explain the energy levels of a one-dimensional anharmonic oscillator, avoiding the concrete but unobservable representations of.

Kratzer extended the theory of diatomic molecular spectroscopy by including anharmonic forces between the nuclei, which changed the oscillation frequencies.

Examples include electron-lattice potential scattering or an anharmonic phonon-phonon (or electron-phonon) scattering process, reflecting an electronic.

\alpha }\right]} where χ = 35 − 62 {\displaystyle \chi =35-62} pN is an anharmonic parameter arising from the coupling between the quasiparticle (exciton).

Quantum Monte Carlo methods together with a first-principles treatment of anharmonic vibrational effects have then been used to obtain the relative Gibbs free.

(1) Quantum mechanics and path integral treatment of periodic and anharmonic potentials.

and thermodynamic theories, hydrodynamic and interfacial instabilities, anharmonic lattices and electronics.

However, vibrations of real molecules always have some anharmonicity, which causes coupling between different vibrational modes that in turn.

"Li2B4O7 Crystal structure in anharmonic approximation at 20, 200, 400 and 500 °C".

Equilibrium structure and anharmonic force field".

} An anharmonic oscillator (in contrast to a simple harmonic oscillator) is one in which.

The best known example is the sextic QES anharmonic oscillator with the Hamiltonian { H } = − d 2 d x 2 + a 2 x 6 + 2 a b.

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