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animalcules Meaning in Bengali

আণুবীক্ষণিক জীব যেমন একটি অ্যামিবা বা প্যারামিসিয়ম যেমন

animalcules's Usage Examples:

"wheel" and -fer "bearing"), commonly called wheel animals or wheel animalcules, make up a phylum (Rotifera /roʊˈtɪfərə/) of microscopic and near-microscopic.

sun animalcules.

Amoeba, termed Proteus animalcules.

Paramecium, termed slipper animalcules.

Stentor, sometimes called trumpet animalcules, are a genus of filter-feeding, heterotrophic ciliates, representative of the heterotrichs.

Heliozoa, commonly known as sun-animalcules, are microbial eukaryotes (protists) with stiff arms (axopodia) radiating from their spherical bodies, which.

called these microscopic living organisms "animalcules", meaning "little animals".

Those "very little animalcules" he was able to isolate from different sources.

English as animalcules, from Latin animalculum = "tiny animal"]).

Most of the "animalcules" are now.

the same time, and that succeeding generations grow from homunculi, or animalcules, that have existed since the beginning of creation.

More than being the first to see this unimagined world of ‘animalcules', he was the first even to think of looking—certainly, the first with.

Sometimes alternatively referred to as wheel animalcules, rotifers feature a characteristic circular arrangement of cilia at their.

later, he discovered in the open glass tube 'a great many very little animalcules, of divers sort having its own particular motion.

theory that all infectious diseases were due to parasitic infection with "animalcules" (microorganisms).

Sperm were believed to contain complete preformed individuals called "animalcules".

Caminalcules seems to come from Camin's last name and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek's animalcules.

" He also noted that putrid material is full of innumerable creeping animalcules.

array of microscopic organisms (including bacteria, which he called “animalcules”) and relatively determine their size, using single-lensed microscopes.

Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) discovered "animalcules" in the sperm of humans and other animals.

Leeuwenhoek writes a letter to the Royal Society of London describing "animalcules" – the first known description of protozoa.

living animalcules…in such enormous numbers, that all the water … seemed to be alive.

” Thus Leeuwenhoek discovered oral bacteria or “animalcules,” the.

anthere de Chara et les animalcules qu'elle renferme, in which he first accurately described the organs of motion of the "animalcules" or spermatozoids of.

animalcules's Meaning':

microscopic organism such as an amoeba or paramecium


animalculum; being; organism;


prokaryote; eukaryote; stander; sitter;

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