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anise hyssop Meaning in Bengali


মৌরি সুগন্ধি লতাবিশেষ,

anise hyssop's Usage Examples:

) Britton), commonly called anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop, Fragrant giant hyssop, or the lavender giant hyssop.

that anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum (also called blue giant hyssop), is a very different plant, although both are in the mint family.

Pollinators feeding on an anise hyssop garden in Massachusetts.

[citation needed] Agastache foeniculum — anise hyssop (western North America) Allium fistulosum — Welsh onion (East Asia) Alternanthera.

The leaves are slightly larger than anise hyssop.

anisata) – lavender giant hyssop, anise hyssop, etc.

seeds selected to be planted are 25 heirloom seeds and 10 herbs such as anise hyssop and Thai basil.

false foxglove, slenderleaf agalinis Agastache N Agastache foeniculum – anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop N Agastache nepetoides – yellow giant hyssop N Agastache.


giant hyssop; Agastache foeniculum;


odorless; malodorous;

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