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anorthite Meaning in Bengali

বিরল plagioclastic চন্দ্রকান্তমণি অনেক আগ্নেয় শিলা ঘটমান

anorthite's Usage Examples:

The series ranges from albite to anorthite endmembers (with respective compositions NaAlSi3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8), where.

almost all anorthite, the temperature will reach nearly the melting point of pure anorthite before all the anorthite is melted.

If the anorthite content.

The chemical formula of pure anorthite is CaAl2Si2O8.

mostly composed of Ca-poor pyroxene, pigeonite, and Ca-rich plagioclase (anorthite).

achondrites consisting mostly of the mineral augite with some olivine, anorthite and troilite.

It has an anorthite percentage (%An) of between 50 and 70.

solution of the endmembers K-feldspar [KAlSi3O8], albite [NaAlSi3O8] and anorthite [CaAl2Si2O8].

anorthite endmember CaAl2Si2O8 Solid solutions between K-feldspar and albite are called alkali feldspar.

Solid solutions between albite and anorthite.

Its chemical formula is (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8, where Ca/(Ca + Na) (% anorthite) is between 30–50%.

, anorthite).

floor of the magma chamber, although they are possible on the roofs if anorthite plagioclase is able to float free of a denser mafic melt.

It represents a plagioclase with less than 10% anorthite content.

characters it is intermediate between albite (NaAlSi3O8) and anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8).

The albite:anorthite molar ratio of oligoclase ranges from 90:10 to 70:30.

plagioclase solid solution series of feldspar minerals with composition between anorthite and labradorite.

Their commonest minerals are olivine, anorthite, hornblende, augite, biotite and leucite.

and silicates such as olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar (mainly anorthite), and garnet crystals.

In minerals, as a feldspar, it can be found as anorthite, an end-member of the plagioclase series.

The two types of feldspar are usually: plagioclase: a member of the anorthite-albite series (CaAl2Si2O8-NaAlSi3O8) alkali feldspar: a member of the.

anorthite's Meaning':

rare plagioclastic feldspar occurring in many igneous rocks

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