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antennal Meaning in Bengali

বা এন্টেনা সংক্রান্ত

antennal's Usage Examples:

The second antennal segment has a sensory appendage that is as long as the third antennal segment.

The eight antennal segment is simple in Trictenotoma and has lateral projections in Autocrates.

The terminal three antennal segments form a club.

of ocelli in workers, and little tendency toward reduction of palp or antennal segmentation in most species, except subterranean groups.

The dorsal margin of the clypeus is below the antennal sockets.

The antennal lobe is the primary (first order) olfactory brain area in insects.

The antennal lobe is a sphere-shaped deutocerebral neuropil in the brain.

possession of broad velvety areas in between the compound eyes and the antennal bases, called "facial foveae".

Many have elaborate antennal structures and body parts flattened.

or subapical bristle, arising from the third antennal segment.

It is the evolutionary remains of antennal segments, and may sometimes show signs of segmentation.

venation which includes a long anal cell and a long basal segment of the antennal style.

consists of two parts, the antennal lobe and the dorsal lobe.

The dorsal lobe also contains motor neurons which control the antennal muscles.

easily seen diagnostic features, though the combination of five to nine antennal flagellomeres plus a clear separation of the first abdominal tergum from.

with the antennal scrobe.

In most specimens, the antennal carina (ridge extending along the dorsal antennal region) bifurcates from the antennal scrobes.

Adults have the tips of two or more antennal segments with spines.

The genus can be recognized by the combination of having nine antennal segments (fewer than most ants) and the petiole concealed by the gaster.

the two higher brain regions that receive olfactory information from the antennal lobe via projection neurons.

antennae of six to ten antennomeres with stiletto-like forked sense cones on antennal segments III and IV.

The antennal scape is about as long as the head, pronotum and scutellum put together.

opposed to lost or reduced functions, many species have evolved elongated antennal and locomotory appendages, in order to better move around and respond to.

antennal's Meaning':

of or relating to antennae

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