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antheridium Meaning in Bengali

বীজগুটি উত্পাদক গাছপালা পুরুষ সেক্স অঙ্গ; antherozoids উত্পাদন করে; ফুলের মধ্যে পরাগধানী সমতূল্য

antheridium's Usage Examples:

An antheridium is a haploid structure or organ producing and containing male gametes (called antherozoids or sperm).

The corresponding male organ is called the antheridium.

hairs) growing underneath, and the sex organs: archegonium (female) and antheridium (male).

formed above the antheridium.

They are sufficiently large to be easily seen with the naked eye, especially the bright orange or red antheridium.

the oomycete antheridium is a syncytium with many sperm nuclei and fertilization occurs via fertilization tubes growing from the antheridium and making.

somewhat spherical antheridium within the microspore wall.

Either 128 or 256 sperm cells with flagella are produced in each antheridium.

At the apex of the main plant axis, the antheridium is borne.

the leaves, its reproductive structure (archegonium in female plants, antheridium in male plants), and the calyptra (a thin tissue that forms from the.

suspensors during mating Fungi within Ascomycota form ascogonium and antheridium with trichogyne bridge Typical mating fusion of two compatible monokaryons.

oogonia, either by the oogonium passing through the antheridium (amphigyny) or by the antheridium attaching to the proximal (lower) half of the oogonium.

(antheridia/spermatia and ascogonia), transferring haploid nuclei from the antheridium to the ascogonium, and growing a dikaryotic ascus containing both nuclei.

The sex organs are a multicellular and jacketed globule or antheridium (male) and nucule or archegonium (female).

specialized in the liverworts and mosses coining the terms archegonium and antheridium.

Phytophthora cactorum can be identified by examining oogonia, antheridium, oospore, and sporangia structure.

multicellular structures that differentiate into male and female organs: antheridium (male) archegonium (female) In angiosperms, the male gametes (always.

stage, an oogonium is fertilized by an antheridium.

Pythium voultum is usually fertilized by one antheridium, but has been observed being fertilized.

gametangia called an antheridium (male) and an oogonium (female).

The antheridium is amphigynous in the species, meaning that the antheridium may remain in this.

and “female” haploid mating structures, known as antheridium and oogonium, respectively.

The antheridium then transfers its genetic material to the oogonium.

Antheridia Contain an elongated and club-shaped antheridium.

antheridium's Meaning':

the male sex organ of spore-producing plants; produces antherozoids; equivalent to the anther in flowers

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