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anthropoids Meaning in Bengali

ব্যক্তি যিনি nonhuman প্রাইমেট বর্ণনার অনুরূপ



anthropoids's Usage Examples:

The simians, anthropoids or higher primates are an infraorder (Simiiformes /ˈsɪmi.

of primates containing the tarsiers and the simians (Simiiformes or anthropoids), as sister of the Strepsirrhini ("moist-nosed").

parvorder Catarrhini /kætəˈraɪnaɪ/, catarrhine monkeys or Old World anthropoids are the sister group to the New World monkeys, the Platyrrhini.

Ganlea belongs to the group of anthropoids (i.

interpreted as additional evidence for a relationship between Afrotarsius and anthropoids.

Its members are considered to be basal anthropoids and the genus is closely related to Apidium.

"resembling a human being", and may refer to: Simian, monkeys and apes (anthropoids, or suborder Anthropoidea, in earlier classifications) Anthropoid apes.

Apidium and its fellow members of the Parapithecidae family are stem anthropoids that possess all the hallmarks of modern Anthropoidea.

shaped incisors over the spatulate incisors are more commonly found in anthropoids within cultures that used their teeth as tools due to a greater structural.

Old World anthropoids, platyrrhines or all other higher primates.

They concluded that, given the number of features they lacked that anthropoids have, they.

Biretia is unique among early anthropoids in exhibiting evidence for nocturnality, but derived dental features.

extant anthropoids.

browni skulls were compared to ratios of modern nocturnal and diurnal anthropoids in Rasmussen.

lorises of Southeast Asia, galagos or "bush babies" of Africa, and the anthropoids: platyrrhine or New World monkeys, catarrhines or Old World monkeys,.

from the three main branches of primate found in Africa at the time - anthropoids, adapiforms and strepsirrhines.

prehensile tails—in comparison with the shorter, non-grasping tails of the anthropoids of the Old World.

Simians (anthropoids) include monkeys and apes, which in turn includes humans.

In 2021, as part of a revision of the small-bodied anthropoids from Kenyan sites, some finds placed since 1982 with Micropithecus clarki.

techniques and language of all anthropoids, reflection determines graphism in the figurative language of the most recent anthropoids.

anthropoids's Meaning':

person who resembles a nonhuman primate


manlike; human;


nonhuman; nonimitative; feminine;

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