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anticonstitutional Meaning in Bengali

anticonstitutional's Usage Examples:

and 15 July 1940, alongside simultaneous similarly undemocratic and anticonstitutional elections in Estonia and Lithuania, following the Soviet occupation.

for participation in a peace movement group that was classified as anticonstitutional.

consequently the abrogation of the Albertine Statute, was seen as an anticonstitutional movement.

The 23-letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means "anticonstitutionally".

main duties of the MAD are counterintelligence and detection of "anticonstitutional activities" within the Bundeswehr.

AFSCA until its intervention, called the decree "brutal, illegal, and anticonstitutional", highlighting that its creation violated a court order.

because of "anticonstitutional" content.

1956 Thomas Muentzer (film) (Thomas Müntzer) Banned in western Germany because of "anticonstitutional" content.

authorities closed Khalq on the grounds that it was anti-Islamic, anticonstitutional, and antimonarchical.

decided to apply to the Federal Constitutional Court to find the SRP anticonstitutional and to impose a ban.

this one, if there is bloodshed in one of our member states and an anticonstitutional coup d'etat takes place, and this body keeps silent? Lukashenko had.

forbidding members of Parliament from holding dual nationality was anticonstitutional and invalid, due to lack of quorum.

The organization is considered a cult in Chile and an "anticonstitutional sect" in Germany, and is considered a cult (French secte) by some.

a human rights group, said that Fatiaki's participation in such anticonstitutional actions should disqualify him from holding the office of Chief Justice.

in the ordinary courts in order to reach verdicts on his arbitrary anticonstitutional measures.

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