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antilog Meaning in Bengali

সংখ্যা যার একটি প্রদত্ত সংখ্যার লগারিদম হয়



antilog শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

a_{n}}}.} জ্যামিতিক গড়কে সংখ্যাসমূহের লগ মানের গাণিতিক গড়ের এন্টিলগ হিসেবেও ভাবা যেতে পারে ।

antilog's Usage Examples:

current mirrors that perform log-antilog operations on input voltages in a push-pull, alternating fashion.

Earlier log-antilog modulators using the fundamental.

of the mean folding endurance: f = antilog 10 ∑ i = 1 n F i n = 10 ∑ i = 1 n F i n {\displaystyle f={\text{antilog}}_{10}{\frac {\textstyle \sum.

the contrast ratio is as follows: contrast ratio = antilog (2•0 — 0•3)                       = antilog (1•7)                       = 50 Therefore contrast.

log b ⁡ ( x ) = x  because  antilog b ( log b ⁡ ( x ) ) = x {\displaystyle b^{\log _{b}(x)}=x{\text{ because }}{\mbox{antilog}}_{b}(\log _{b}(x))=x} log.

Blackmer reasoned that the log-antilog detector may be simplified by taking up processing to log domain, omitting.

conditioning include sample and hold amplifiers, peak detectors, log amplifiers, antilog amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers and programmable gain amplifiers.

\end{array}}} * This step makes the mantissa between 0 and 1, so that its antilog (10mantissa) can be looked up.

Circuit description of an analog true RMS-to-DC converter based on the log/antilog techniques.

}   Taking the base e antilog of both sides, substituting for α i {\displaystyle \alpha _{i}\,} , and.

53 R 4 ) {\displaystyle Chl=antilog(0.

{n}]{a_{1}a_{2}\cdots a_{n}}}} Geometric mean can be thought of as the antilog of the arithmetic mean of the logs of the numbers.

if the beer has average spectral characteristics simply by taking the antilog of A ( λ ) {\displaystyle A(\lambda )} : T ( λ ) = l o g − 1 ( − S R M.

His first patent was a design for a 4-quadrant log-antilog multiplier.

as addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation, logarithm, and antilog functions.

applications (but not customizable); a logarithm table (base 2, 2048 entries); an antilog table (base 2, 2048 entries); and a sine table (16-bit, 2049 entries representing.

integration, where const is the constant of integration If one takes the antilog of equation 2b the result is: where e is the base of the natural logarithm.

} The root r is recovered from this by taking the antilog: r = b 1 n log b ⁡ x .

antilog's Meaning':

the number of which a given number is the logarithm


numeral; number; antilogarithm;


Roman numeral; Arabic numeral; majority; minority;

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