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antitypes Meaning in Bengali

কোনো ব্যক্তি বা জিনিস প্রতিনিধিত্ব বা আগের টাইপ বা প্রতীক দ্বারা পূর্বাভাস; বিশেষত একটি চিত্র বা নতুন নিয়মে ঘটনা ওল্ড টেস্টামেন্ট একটি সহযোগীর থাকার


মূল আদর্শের অবিকল অনুরূপ আকার, মূল আদর্শের অবিকল অনুরূপ মূর্তি,

antitypes's Usage Examples:

Thus, the idea of a CFA is to provide by the identified types and antitypes some insight into the.

in the Old Testament are seen as types pre-figuring or superseded by antitypes, events or aspects of Christ or his revelation described in the New Testament.

The study of these types and antitypes is called typology.

They do this by drawing on typology, and as such consist of "types" and "antitypes", where the "type" is the explicit purpose of that covenant, but the "antitype".

Introduction to Configural Frequenccy Analysis: The search for types and antitypes in cross-classifications.

The historical Antony and Cleopatra were the prototypes and antitypes for Virgil's Dido and Aeneas: Dido, ruler of the north African city of.

"Prototypes, antitypes and social identity in First Clement: outlining a new interpretative model".

Using a form of parallel dispensations that incorporated "types" and "antitypes"—historical situations that prefigured corresponding situations later.

Russell also incorporated Miller's teaching of types and antitypes, in which an actual historical situation (the type) prefigures a corresponding.

antitypes's Meaning':

a person or thing represented or foreshadowed by an earlier type or symbol; especially a figure or event in the New Testament having a counterpart in the Old Testament


sort; kind; form; variety;


type; dissimilarity; inconsiderate; hard; ill-natured;

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