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apiculate Meaning in Bengali

(ক পাতার আকৃতি

apiculate's Usage Examples:

apiculate apiculatus leaf tip Tapering and ending in a short, slender point.

They are typically apiculate in shape and often found in grape musts pre-fermentation.

6 in) in diameter with a short apiculate tip.

broad-elliptic to oblong, sts suborbicular; apex rounded or retuse, sts apiculate or mucronulate; cuneately or abruptly narrowed to petiole; margins thickened.

The fruit is a globose to turbinate drupe 2–3 cm diameter, apiculate, bright yellow ripening dark purple, drying hard, dark brown, slightly.

039 in) wide, and obtuse or apiculate, ending at a needle-like point.

depressed ovate, auriculate, clasping, widely obtuse, abruptly acute and apiculate-mucronlate to abruptly long-acuminate, and the margin entire to obscurely.

The anthers are oblong and apiculate and the ovaries are rudimentary.

Median sepal apiculate, galea 8–10 mm deep; spur slender, grading into the galea, 7–20 mm long;.

10–20 mm wide, elliptic to oblong, broadly elliptic with a prominent tip (apiculate) and a ring-like thickening where the petioles join the stem.

The apex of the median leaflet may be apiculate and vary from broadly acute to rounded.

ovate-lanceolate, acuminate (acumen flat or sometimes falcate, very acute, apiculate), entire and ± undulate at the margin, membranous to ± rigid or subcoriaceous.

The leaves are acute or apiculate to obtuse and usually have one to three basal veins, though they can sometimes.

truncate, or short-apiculate tip and erect stigma lobes without groves.

harperi has a distinctly apiculate capsule apex and stigma.

ef shoot and oblanceolate towards base), obtuse (rarely subacute) or apiculate to rounded, margin plane, ± recurved, base cuneate, markedly paler to.

20 in), and is both apiculate and lanceolate with the seeds being 1.

31 in) wide, and the tips are apiculate; the dorsal sepal is sometimes cupped.

The leaves are acuminate or apiculate, rounded or subcordate at the base, and contain 8-14 pairs of veins.

Ascospores are apiculate to fusiform, with a distinct septum at or near the center and the upper.

in 2 rows; filaments short, flattened at base; anthers oblong, shortly apiculate; ovary superior, covered with large shallow pits, lepidote, 3-celled,.

apiculate's Meaning':

(of a leaf shape


unsubdivided; simple;


compound; rough; difficult;

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