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apothegms Meaning in Bengali

অল্প বলিষ্ঠ শিক্ষামূলক উক্তি

apothegms's Usage Examples:

A Glass Eye at a Keyhole is an aphorism and apothegms-based book written by Mary Pettibone Poole in 1938.

It consists of a series of short epigrams or apothegms with no particular connections between them.

the same collection of myths, legends, miracle tales, paradigms, and apothegms.

Other works by Feltham included: The English Enchiridion, a selection of apothegms, moral maxims, 'c.

No halakhot of his are extant, but some of his apothegms have been preserved in such sources as Pirkei Avot; these afford a glimpse.

Dirghatamas is famous for his paradoxical apothegms.

) In addition to a monastic rule and three brief apothegms, a homily "On the End of the Souls of the Righteous and of Sinners" is.

proverbs of the Sinhalese including also their adages, aphorisms, apologues, apothegms, bywords, dictums, maxims, mottoes, precepts, saws, and sayings, together.

1766) by Edmund Burke, and A collection of apothegms and maxims for the good conduct of life by Gorges Edmond Howard (1767).

questionings: A book of experience, a collection of author's aphorisms and apothegms 1905 The Nemesis Of Nations: Studies In History, 1907 From the preface:.

socialists as well as communists have referred to him and quoted his apothegms regarding him as the ideal unselfish and consequent progressive politician.

apothegms's Meaning':

a short pithy instructive saying

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