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appetitive Meaning in Bengali

বা ক্ষুধা সংক্রান্ত



appetitive শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কারণ ঘ্রেলিন তৈরি হয় স্টমাক মডিউলেটিং শর্ট টার্ম অ্যাপেটাইটিভ কন্ট্রোলের মাধ্যমে (অর্থাৎ পাকস্থলী খালি থাকলে খেতে হবে এবং যখন তা ভর্তি ।

appetitive's Usage Examples:

is the attractive and motivational property of a stimulus that induces appetitive behavior, also known as approach behavior, and consummatory behavior.

in the sky are the three primary moral virtues required to perfect the appetitive powers: Justice, Temperance and Fortitude.

that the appetitive stimuli produced a narrowed attentional scope.

The experimenters further increased the narrowed attentional scope in appetitive stimuli.

studies have examined the influence of the mPOA on precopulatory and appetitive behaviors.

taking the specific form in which the spirited listens instead to the appetitive, while they together either ignore the logical entirely or employ it in.

Male sexual behaviors can be divided into two phases: the appetitive phase, which contains highly variable sequence of behaviors such as attracting.

negative punishment, punishment by removal, or type II punishment, a valued, appetitive stimulus is removed (as in the removal of a feeding dish).

what's worth doing for its own sake (philosophy) or Hobbes's list of appetitive desires that motivate all human beings.

the Greeks used to describe hedonic motivation is appetitive emotion and aversive motivation.

two axes of sensitive-intellective (emotions and desires) and cognitive-appetitive (the will).

amygdala have different functions in appetitive conditioning.

Nevertheless, researchers found an example of appetitive emotional learning showing an important.

"Does arousal per se account for the influence of appetitive stimuli on attentional scope and the late positive potential?".

including the ventral striatum which has been shown to represent the appetitive value of a stimulus, show increased signaling in adolescent years.

sweetened liquid as used in appetitive mazes.

An advantage of water mazes is that they require less training than appetitive mazes, and if rats have pre-existing.

study of obesity, brain control of body weight and genetic influences on appetitive behaviour.

associated with "wanting" and "liking" (desire and pleasure, respectively) and appetitive behavior, function as positive reinforcers; the converse statement is.

A rostro-caudal gradient exists for the enhancement of appetitive versus fearful responses, the latter of which is traditionally thought.

division of the soul: sophrosyne is the harmonious moderation of the appetitive and spirited parts of the soul by the rational part (e.

things, all basic taste modalities are classified as either aversive or appetitive, depending upon the effect the things they sense have on our bodies.

appetitive's Meaning':

of or relating to appetite

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