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appoggiaturas Meaning in Bengali

একটি অলঙ্কৃত নোট সাধারণত ছোট সাইজ লেখা

appoggiaturas's Usage Examples:

So-called unaccented appoggiaturas are also quite common in many periods of music, even though they are.

standardized local ornamental figures such as trills, mordents, or appoggiaturas, and its use is documented as early as the thirteenth century.

Such variations are often marked with a few appoggiaturas following the note that bears the trill indication.

in a simple dominant chord of A minor [E major], which includes two appoggiaturas resolved in the normal way".

Typical stimuli include loud passages of music and passages—such as appoggiaturas and sudden modulation—that violate some level of musical expectation.

and stylistically appropriate trills, mordents (upper or lower) and appoggiaturas.

Symphony’s forward movement through non-traditional suspensions and appoggiaturas.

The Prelude is heavily ornamented with mordents and appoggiaturas.

on vocal appoggiaturas.

balletic, with supple rhythms, graceful turns, sighing fourths, and sweet appoggiaturas and suspensions.

attention to ornaments and dynamics, as well as the liberal use of appoggiaturas ("sigh" figures) and frequent melodic and harmonic chromaticism.

harmonically and melodically subservient (except in the cases of certain appoggiaturas, in which the ornament may be held for a longer duration than the note.

slide could be used as an elaboration of and ascending or descending appoggiaturas: "It is frequently the custom to make the ascending appoggiatura from.

octaves and ninths, as well as considerable use of grace notes and appoggiaturas.

The theme contains many appoggiaturas, which provide the piece with a slight virtuosic feel.

" Moreover, Schulenberg adds that the "numerous short trills and appoggiaturas" preclude too fast a tempo.

example, fear at the Black Knight is expressed by harmonic sequences and appoggiaturas which resolve downward.

The E dominant 9th chord has ♯11th and 13th appoggiaturas added, which resolve conventionally.

superficial remnants of tonal writing, such as lyrical melody, expressive appoggiaturas, and chordal accompaniment, tonal hearing and tonal analysis are difficult.

elaborate ornamentation, melismatic episodes and occasional dissonant appoggiaturas, resembling the solo part in an aria.

appoggiaturas's Meaning':

an embellishing note usually written in smaller size


acciaccatura; musical note; note; tone; grace note;


ignore; low status; hypotonia; hypotonus; atonicity;

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