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approached Meaning in Bengali



উপান্ত, ধার, দ্বার, প্রবেশপথ, সান্নিধ্য, নিকটবর্তিতা, উপাগম, অভ্যাগমন, অভ্যাগম, অভিমুখ, পথ, অভিগমন,


নিকটস্থ হত্তয়া, সমকক্ষ হত্তয়া, সদৃশ হত্তয়া, অভিগমন করা, সমীপবর্তী হত্তয়া, এগন, ঘেঁষা, কাছান,

approached শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ছিল যা স্কোয়ারের দিকে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকে এবং একটি উঁচু হিপড বাড়িত র ত্রিকোণ ধার আছে যার ওপর রয়েছে ছাদ লণ্ঠন ।

আহমেদ গাঙ্গোহি ও মাওলানা মাহমুদুল হাসানের মত তৎকালীন ইসলামি পন্ডিতদের সান্নিধ্য লাভ করেন ।

কাজে ব্যবহৃত হত বলে ধারণা করা হয়ে থাকে ।

approached's Usage Examples:

approached by both train and bus.

Veppampattu can be approached.

initially approached Freud as a young sculptor and was rejected by him.

After Nemon had gained his reputation in Brussels, he was approached by Freud's.

committee, prompted by the influential county president, Lord Hawke, approached Herbert Sutcliffe, one of the side's leading professionals.

It can also be approached from privately owned Upper Ausable Lake.

Its distinctive rocky cliffs are visible for a long distance when approached from the south, and together with Storm King Mountain on the opposite.

composed by Danny Elfman in 1989, after series creator Matt Groening approached him requesting a theme.

social behavior, as it confers a level of anti-predator defense rarely approached by other invertebrates.

The depositors approached eminent lawyer V.

for a displacement hull increases smoothly with speed as hull speed is approached and exceeded, often with no noticeable inflection at hull speed.

considerable size, occurring in cliffs up to a thousand feet in height, and approached by rock steps or log ladders.

Afghan security forces spotted the attackers as they approached the consulate in a car leading to one of the attackers detonating his.

In 1821, Barbier approached the Royal Institute for the Blind in Paris, France, and demonstrated his.

The first publisher approached (at Ms Brophy's suggestion) was Michael Joseph where an editor suggested.

Less frequently, the mountain is approached from the southeast via the steep, narrow, 2.

Chambers began modeling after being approached by a modeling scout in Paris.

He went and approached His younger sister Uwa Labing Anyag Because she was a babaylan.

In March 2014 she had been approached by the local Liberal riding association about serving as their candidate.

Maximus of Moesia, the governor of Moesia under Emperor Valens, approached the lands of the Albocense prior to the Gothic Wars.

On May 6, 2004 the comet approached within 0.

In a reloading scam, a victim is repeatedly approached by con artists, often until "sucked dry".


close; bear down on; march on; edge up; pass on; come up; go up; crowd; near; move on; progress; edge in; advance; come on; bear down upon; draw close; come near; go on; come; draw near; drive up; push;


long; careless; stand still; recede; go;

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