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apsidal Meaning in Bengali

বা একটি apse সংক্রান্ত

apsidal's Usage Examples:

In celestial mechanics, apsidal precession (or apsidal advance) is the precession (gradual rotation) of the line connecting the apsides (line of apsides).

orbit of the Moon undergoes two important types of precessional motion: apsidal and nodal.

The church had an aisled nave with apsidal chancel and apsidal side chapels adjoining.

The transepts also had apsidal chapels.

free-standing apsidal structure, now located at the back of the building, which is characteristic of early Buddhist apsidal caityagriha designs.

The apsidal structure.

The Apsidal Temple consists of a square nave with several rooms, used by the Buddhist monks, and a circular room, which gives the building its apsidal shape.

An apse chapel or apsidal chapel is a chapel in traditional Christian church architecture, which radiates tangentially from one of the bays or divisions.

They generally followed an apsidal plan, and were either rock-cut or freestanding.

Apart from the fine carvings, it is famous as a rare apsidal or round-ended Hindu temple, representing a final stage in the transition.

They show a steady change in their longitude of periastron, showing an apsidal period of 203±4 years.

This is called perihelion precession or apsidal precession.

In the adjunct image, Earth's apsidal precession is illustrated.

a circular or apsidal plan, and were either rock-cut or freestanding.

Temples —built on elliptical, circular, quadrilateral, or apsidal plans— were initially.

The mass calculated from apsidal motion of the orbits is 40 to 60 M☉.

precession), while the Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun rotates (apsidal precession).

approached through a farmyard, is simple but unusual in the chancel having an apsidal, or semi-circular termination.

The exedra would typically have an apsidal podium that supported the stone bench.

The group contains a small chaitya hall with an apsidal plan with a stupa inside.

The opposite end of the church is apsidal.

There are five apsidal chapels.

Newton applied his theorem to understanding the overall rotation of orbits (apsidal precession, Figure 3) that is observed for the Moon and planets.

apsidal's Meaning':

of or relating to an apse

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