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aquiline Meaning in Bengali

 ঈগলের চঞ্চুর ন্যায় বক্রাগ্র



aquiline's Usage Examples:

An aquiline nose (also called a Roman nose or hook nose) is a human nose with a prominent bridge, giving it the appearance of being curved or slightly.

In the Classic period, God G is depicted as a middle-aged man with an aquiline nose, large square eyes, cross-eyed, and a filed incisor in the upper row.

(dolichocephalic) or moderate (mesocephalic) skull, a narrow and often slightly aquiline nose, prevalence of dark hair and eyes, and cream to tan or dark brown.

Notably, the composition has reduced the impact of Turner's prominent aquiline nose.

following details: "He was florid, blonde, and regular-featured, with an aquiline nose, which, his flatterers often reminded him, was considered by Plato.

rest of its body and the face has a plain, unmodelled surface with an aquiline nose.

chested, with a sensitive and cultured face, keen expression, long neck and aquiline nose.

It is also called an eagle-stone, aquiline, or aquilaeus.

He was seen as: a glamorous figure with an aquiline nose, whose insouciant manner and casual references to "prangs" and drinking.

was a man of average size, fat, short, a ruddy and unravelling face, an aquiline nose, handsome eyes with an air of candour, goodwill and virtue, who captivates.

colored-pencil representational images of heiresses, bored fashionistas and aquiline beauties have been called provocatively light, with coloring as delicate.

"A multi-gene phylogeny of aquiline eagles (Aves: Accipitriformes) reveals extensive paraphyly at the genus.


crooked; hooked;


uncoiled; unaddicted; straight;

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