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arrogantly Meaning in Bengali


অহংকারী হয়ে,

arrogantly শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এরে পরে ভিমাসুর অহংকারী হয়ে পড়ে এবং বিভিন্ন রাজাকে বশ এবং বন্দী করা আরম্ভ করে ।

এতে ঘুশ্মা অহংকারী হয়ে ওঠেন এবং সুদেহা তার বোনের প্রতি ঈর্ষান্বিত হন ।

কাহিনীতে আছে, একসময় ইন্দ্র, অগ্নি, বায়ু ও চন্দ্র– এই চার দেবতা খুব অহংকারী হয়ে উঠলেন ।

সে আল্লাহর আয়াতসমুহ শুনে অতপর অহংকারী হয়ে জেদ ধরে যেন সে আয়াত শুনেনি ।

অহংকারী পরিবেশে বেড়ে ওঠা শিশুরা নিজেরাও অহংকারী হয়ে উঠতে পারে ।

সে তার সঙ্গীত-প্রতিভা নিয়ে এতই অহংকারী হয়ে যায় যে সে সঙ্গীত-কলার অধিষ্ঠাত্রী দেবী মিউজদের সাথে এক সঙ্গীত প্রতিযোগিতায় ।

কিন্তু নহুষ শীঘ্রই খুব অহংকারী হয়ে যাওয়ায় অভিশাপগ্রস্ত হয়ে মর্ত্যে পতিত হন ।

arrogantly's Usage Examples:

But, when they spurned the advice arrogantly, Arumukan eliminated them too.

and the Reed and The Trees and the Bramble in which the protagonists arrogantly debate with each other.

pedestals, one lying down and the other upright with his sword shouldered arrogantly.

Pig (voiced by Mary Moder and Dorothy Compton, respectively) as they arrogantly believe the Big Bad Wolf (voiced by Billy Bletcher) is not a serious threat.

fantastic star, Prime paramour and belted paragon, Well-booted, rugged, arrogantly male, Patron and imager of the gold Don John, Who will embrace her before.

When Halia’s young sons arrogantly refused to let Aphrodite land upon their shore, the goddess cursed them.

the majority of his career, he played a villainous character who would arrogantly taunt both opponents and crowds.

Olympus, arrogantly believing himself worthy of entering the realm of the gods.

possibly with Ush, king of Umma: "Because of […] the man of Umma spoke arrogantly with him and defied Lagash.

He conducted himself arrogantly towards his friends, and exhibited no small presumption and rashness in.

Orobazus to death for allowing a Roman magistrate to treat a Parthian envoy arrogantly.

They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for.

Indeed, Pharaoh arrogantly elevated himself in the land and divided its people into subservient groups.

Eric Henderson dissented, writing in Slant Magazine that the film was "arrogantly conceived, pretentiously executed, and petulantly protracted".

He was described in The Guardian as an "expert phone-in troll, arrogantly spouting inflammatory football opinions in the hope of prompting some.

Erin with the "heart of gold", his goody-goody friend Tommy, and his arrogantly lewd, bigoted, heavy smoking ' drinking, womanizing, divorced multiple.

He behaved arrogantly towards Ninken's heir, the Crown Prince Wohatsuse Wakasazaki (later Emperor.

He strutted to the ring and smiled arrogantly at the audience while he stroked his hair.

finish his performance, and Tatyana Tolstaya, one of the jury members, arrogantly called his style "discordant" and "disharmonious".

Don Juan arrogantly invites the grave statue of the Commander to stand watch.

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