ascends Meaning in Bengali
উঠা, উপরে ত্তঠা, ঊর্ধ্বে যাত্তয়া, ঊর্ধ্বগামী হত্তয়া, অধিরূঢ় হত্তয়া, চড়া, উদিত হত্তয়া, অধিষ্ঠিত হত্তয়া, আরোহণ করা, অধিরোহণ করা,
অধিরোহণ করা, আরোহণ করা, অধিষ্ঠিত হত্তয়া, উদিত হত্তয়া, চড়া, অধিরূঢ় হত্তয়া, ঊর্ধ্বগামী হত্তয়া, ঊর্ধ্বে যাত্তয়া, উপরে ত্তঠা, উঠা,
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ascends's Usage Examples:
disqualified, the Vice-President ascends to the presidency for the balance of the term.
Under Article 40, a Vice-President who ascends to the presidency in this.
lemniscus is part of the dorsal column–medial lemniscus pathway, which ascends from the skin to the thalamus, which is important for somatosensation from.
"jump", referring to the piracema season when a mass migration of fishes ascends the São Francisco River to spawn.
The Purple Mountain Trail ascends to the summit from Madison Junction.
vestibulo-oculomotor fibers are the portion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus which ascends to the oculomotor nucleus from the vestibular nuclei.
The tower, with its unique curves and twisting motion as one ascends, is actually the third version of the tower proposed by DAMAC Properties.
The NH-169A ascends Agumbe ghat section of Western ghats of India (Bharat).
an altitude of 1,404 metres, Gannaga Pass and the Bloukrans Pass which ascends its northern promontory, the Bloukrans Mountain.
It rapidly ascends the northern face of the Steenberg mountains, through two hairpin bends.
The canal ascends at first superiorly, and then, making a bend, runs anteromedially.
It ascends in the substance of the parotid gland, behind the temporomandibular articulation.
The simplest route ascends via the col of An Dorus (the Door), most easily reached from Glen Brittle.
cardiac vein (left coronary vein) begins at the apex of the heart and ascends along the anterior longitudinal sulcus to the base of the ventricles.
The ride ascends the tower by cable with passengers facing outwards from the ride.
alluvial plain, one or two marine terraces, and a slope that steadily ascends up to 500 metres.
The meningeal branch of occipital artery ascends with the internal jugular vein, and enters the skull through the jugular foramen and condyloid canal.
Through each of them ascends the terminal branch of the greater palatine artery while the nasopalatine.
the end of a logging road off Magalloway Road in eastern Pittsburg and ascends about 800 feet (240 m).
come up; go; go up; rise up; locomote; uprise; travel; rise; surface; move;
ride; recede; rise; descend; stay in place;