assemblages Meaning in Bengali
নিকর, সমাবেশ, চয়, জমায়েত, সম্মিলন, সঙ্ঘাত, আমদানি, নিচয়, ঝাঁক, একত্রীভবন, মণ্ডলী, সঙ্ঘটন, সন্নিপাত, জাত, থানা, মণ্ডল, সমূহ, জোট,
জোট, সমূহ, মণ্ডলী, সঙ্ঘটন, সন্নিপাত, আমদানি, জাত, থানা, একত্রীভবন, মণ্ডল, ঝাঁক, নিচয়, সঙ্ঘাত, জমায়েত, সমাবেশ, চয়, সম্মিলন, নিকর,
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assemblages's Usage Examples:
period via describing, cataloging and comparing fossil floral and faunal assemblages.
Pre-Pottery Neolithic assemblages ever found in the Levant.
The find consisted of wooden artifacts, fragments of baskets and plaster assemblages.
Dubuffet created a series of collages of butterfly wings, which he titled assemblages d'empreintes.
based on palaeontological intervals of time defined by recognised fossil assemblages (biostratigraphy).
these newly colonised areas, no Acheulean assemblages have been found.
In China, only "Mode 1" Oldowan assemblages were produced, while in Indonesia stone.
Soanian assemblages generally comprise varieties of choppers, discoids, scrapers, cores,.
A metamorphic facies is a set of mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks formed under similar pressures and temperatures.
geologists often refer to both Ur and other proposed Archaean continental assemblages as supercratons.
Although many metoposaurids are known from so-called mass death assemblages that preserve large skeletal accumulations, the deposits in which Dutuitosaurus.
of human symbolic behaviour and the earliest European Gravette flint assemblages came to light here.
are integrated together (called assemblages).
System testing seeks to detect defects both within the "inter-assemblages" and also within the system as.
delimitation, others, such as Luperini, appear to be just paraphyletic assemblages of primitive and more basal genera.
and retooling are believed to leave significantly different debitage assemblages.
Bifacially-worked, leaf-shaped tools are also a common artefact type in Aterian assemblages, and so are racloirs and Levallois flakes and cores.
In the palaeontological literature, the term distinguishes "life assemblages", which reflect the original living community, living together at one.
It is a type of side scraper distinctive of Mousterian assemblages.
rules were developed after more than a decade of research into the avian assemblages on islands near New Guinea.
traditional nongenomic trait classifications are based on polyphyletic assemblages.
The notion of assemblages builds on remix and remix practices, which blur distinctions between.
bunch; sextet; rave-up; threesome; mass meeting; floor; crew; octette; meeting; muster; covey; foursome; multitude; gang; class; suite; eightsome; year; commune; contingent; course; room; grade; octet; gathering; fair; entourage; cast of characters; social gathering; bevy; quartette; septette; crowd; retinue; carload; triad; fivesome; cortege; rally; sevensome; wine tasting; sextette; quorum; quartet; municipality; turnout; concourse; sixsome; quintette; audience; dramatis personae; rap group; trio; trinity; social group; table; septet; social affair; quintet; assembly; cast; convocation; form; building; throng; camp; community; group meeting; pair;
depressurize; desynchronize; depressurise; disarrange; deglycerolize;