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atomically Meaning in Bengali

atomically's Usage Examples:

nanoscale systems that make atomically-specified structures and devices under programmatic control, i.

, they perform atomically precise manufacturing.

structure to that of graphene, atomically thin boron nitride is sometimes called “white graphene”.

many levels of size and structure, from the astronomically vast to the atomically tiny.

engineering of atomically thin materials.

Mechanics of atomically thin film transfer.

Trions have been observed in atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors.

Such atomically thin semiconductors are considered promising for energy-efficient machine.

include the theoretical and practical aspects of condensed matter and atomically resolved dynamics, fundamental light-matter interaction, accelerator-based.

National Laboratories has explored a range of atomically precise fabrication technologies, including both early-generation and.

to control access to a data structure in memory that cannot be updated atomically and is invalid (and should not be read by another thread) until the update.

Many of the atomic nuclei found on earth are stable atomically.

achieved in 2016: individual Ho atoms present remanence when deposited on a atomically thin layer of MgO coating a silver film was reported by scientists from.

for pioneering work in nanotechnology, towards the goal of constructing atomically precise products through molecular machine systems.

which enhancement of Raman scattering occurs only at the point of a near atomically sharp pin, typically coated with gold.

In computer science, the fetch-and-add CPU instruction (FAA) atomically increments the contents of a memory location by a specified value.

the cleaning and the deposition portions of the process to maintain an atomically clean interface.

strings in alphabetical order, except that multi-digit numbers are treated atomically, i.

activated bonding (SAB) is a low temperature wafer bonding technology with atomically clean and activated surfaces.

The surface of these grooves can be atomically smooth if the etch is carried out correctly, and the dimensions and angles.

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