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atropine Meaning in Bengali




atropine শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অ্যাট্রোপিন এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট অ্যান্টিকোলিনারজিক ওষুধ নার্ভ এজেন্ট বিষক্রিয়ার প্রতিষেধক ।

অপিওয়েড (Opioid) বিরোধী-ঔষধগুলো হলো অ্যাণ্টি-ডায়ারিয়াল, ডাইফেনক্সাইলেট ও অ্যাট্রোপিন মিশ্রণ যা একটি নন-এনালগেসিক, ও কো-ফেনোট্রোপ (অন্য নাম লোমোটিল) ।

অ্যাট্রোপিন নার্ভ এজেন্ট বিষক্রিয়া চিকিৎসায় বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে Hagedorn oxime যেমন ।

যেমন অ্যাট্রোপিন(atropine), নিকটিন(nicotine),মরফিন(morphine) ২. প্রোটো অ্যালকালয়েড - ।

অ্যানেস্থেটিক্সের ব্যবহারে সৃষ্ট নিম্ন রক্তচাপ নিরাময়ে সাহায্য করে) অ্যাট্রোপিন মাইডাযোলাম মরফিন অক্সিজেন "Essential medicines" ।

atropine's Usage Examples:

These toxins include atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine, which cause delirium and hallucinations,.

Diphenoxylate/atropine, also known as co-phenotrope, is a combination of the medications diphenoxylate and atropine, used to treat diarrhea.

combination drug with atropine for the treatment of diarrhea.

Diphenoxylate is an opioid and acts by slowing intestinal contractions; the atropine is present to.

the levorotary isomer of atropine (third of the three major nightshade alkaloids) and thus sometimes known as levo-atropine.

Bayer Company introduced methylatropine, a quaternary ammonium salt of atropine, as a mydriatic for dilation of the pupil during ophthalmic examination.

Organophosphate based nerve agent poisoning, such as VX, sarin, tabun, and soman (atropine is favoured in conjunction with an oxime, usually pralidoxime) Anticholinergics.

nervous system (CNS) than atropine due to its ability to cross the blood–brain barrier.

At higher-than-therapeutic doses, atropine and scopolamine cause CNS.

Cyclopentolate or atropine can also be administered to reverse muscarinic and central nervous system.

by atropine) will cause a raise in heart rate.

It is used to treat organophosphate poisoning in conjunction with atropine and either diazepam or midazolam.

potent than atropine and has a shorter duration of action.

Homatropine is also given as an atropine substitute.

of alkaloids derived from it (called tropane alkaloids), which include atropine and cocaine, among others.

is usually due to topical application of muscarinic antagonists such as atropine and cyclopentolate.

Fentonium bromide (INN) is a atropine derivative.

contributions to the human toxicology of atropine : behavioral effects of high doses of atropine and military uses of atropine to produce intoxication.

Treatment for poisoning with GV involves drugs such as atropine, benactyzine, obidoxime, and HI-6.

Difenoxin (Motofen, R-15403) is an opioid drug used, often in combination with atropine, to treat diarrhea.

atropine, tubocurarine).


belladonna; alkaloid; antispasmodic agent; poisonous substance; toxicant; poison; mydriatic drug; antidote; spasmolytic; antispasmodic; counterpoison; mydriatic;


nontoxic; constructiveness;

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