autograph album Meaning in Bengali
অটোগ্রাফ অ্যালবাম,
Similer Words:
autoingautomated teller
automated teller machine
automatic choke
automatic data processing
automatic data processing system
automatic face recognition
automatic pilot
automatic teller
automatic teller machine
automatic transmission
automatic washer
automobile battery
automobile driver
autograph album's Usage Examples:
History Society online A Suffragette autograph album - in pictures - The Guardian 6 December 2012 Suffragette autograph album illuminates movement's struggles.
Chopin contributed seventeen pieces to her autograph album, destroyed in World War II.
A Suffragette autograph album - in pictures - The Guardian 6 December 2012 Suffragette autograph album illuminates movement's struggles.
Autograph of General George Foster Shepley from an autograph album he gave to his daughter Anne at Christmas, 1860 (Private Collection of H.
Segurola, "the famous baritone", and asks him to write something in her autograph album.
inactivity; fire; negativeness;