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awns Meaning in Bengali

 শস্যশূক, শূক, শুঁয়া,

তন্বী bristlelike উপাঙ্গ ঘাস মঞ্জুর-পাওয়া


শুঁয়া, শূক, শস্যশূক,

awns শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

শূক বা লার্ভার কানকো অভিযোজনের ফলে অনেক পোকা জীবনের অন্তত একটি অধ্যায়ে পানির ।

ভাসমান মশার শূক ও মুককীট পশ্চিম জার্মানিতে প্রাপ্ত ৮ মিমি লম্বা অ্যানোফিলিস শূক এডিস এজিপ্টি মশার শূক কিউলেক্স মশার শূক ও মুককীট কিউলেক্স মশার শূক ও একটি মুককীট ।

awns's Usage Examples:

In grasses awns typically extend.

Aristida is distinguished by having three awns (bristles) on each lemma of each floret.

The Asteraceae pappus may be composed of bristles (sometimes feathery), awns, scales, or may be absent.

dehydration create tension, and elastic energy develops within the awns.

The shape of the awns change from straight to helical, causing them to explosively.

themselves mechanically into soils with their awns.

During a period of increased humidity during the night, the awns of the spikelet become erect and draw together.

derived from an Indo-European root meaning "bristly" after the long prickly awns of the ear of grain.

The spikelets have long, thin, whitish awns, which give the inflorescence its texture.

inflorescence atop the wiry stem is a panicle of hairy spikelets with bent awns up to 3.

The scales over the fruits taper into long, thin awns.

any of several genera of grasses, including: Achnatherum Aristida (three-awns) Hesperostipa Nassella Stipa Triraphis Spear grass (disambiguation) Wiregrass.

Its seeds have three long, radiating awns; it is a member of genus Aristida, grasses known commonly as three-awns.

The awns clumped closely together into a tuft gives the inflorescence its bristly.

for several plants Wiregrass may refer to: Poaceae grasses Aristida (three-awns), especially Aristida stricta (Pineland Three-awn), Aristida junciformis.

confused with Canadian wild rye which is a more robust plant with longer awns.

Each spikelet is flat and has excurved awns, meaning the tip of each of the two to eight flowers on the spikelet curls.

Each flower has pointed sepals tipped with awns.

The inflorescence is a dense packet of spikelets with tangling, curved awns.

one creamy coloured seed while each segment has seven awns with upward pointing barbs.

These awns are up to 3 inches (7.

2 inches) long, lacking awns on the glumes.

awns's Meaning':

slender bristlelike appendage found on the bracts of grasses

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