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backdate Meaning in Bengali

backdate's Usage Examples:

Other quotes even backdate it to the building of the walls of Pope Leo IV, in about 850, but they.

Yuliya Zarudneva (now known as Zaripova) received a doping ban that did not backdate to the 2009 World Championships, In the past following a doping disqualification.

releases, here listing some of them: (1) The Lie That Destroyed A Country Its backdate a painful period of history of the country of letter, writing, history.

conjectured centuries later, by historians of the Hellenistic era who tried to backdate events by cross-referencing earlier sources such as the Parian Chronicle.

attempted to backdate the notification, as well as the effective freeze date, to January 1, 2010.

daughter, Joan), Mrs Norton persuaded the New South Wales Parliament to backdate the new Testator's Family Maintenance Act to take effect before Norton's.

) without the possibility that the owner can backdate the timestamps.

Commission (SEC) alleged that Schroeder engaged in a scheme to illegally backdate options.

equivalents, and that the government had backed down on its promise to backdate the pay to the original due date of the review.

30 October: Researchers backdate the male remains known as the "Red Lady of Paviland" (discovered in 1823).

USS Gage was a source for many historical ship museums with which to backdate ships to WWII era design.

charged of conspiring with other officers of the company to systematically backdate option grants over a period from 1997 to 2003.

history outside the VFL/AFL Radical proposal to overhaul AFL records, backdate founding to 1870 "The South Yarra Presentation Challenge Cup".

mother Ada Norton (née McGrath) persuaded the New South Wales Parliament to backdate the new Testator's Family Maintenance Act to take effect before his father's.





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