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backspace Meaning in Bengali



backspace's Usage Examples:

the backspace key also deletes characters, but to the left of the cursor.

On many keyboards, such as most Apple keyboards, the key with the backspace function.

corresponding to each of the six dots of the braille code, a space key, a backspace key, and a line space key.

In addition to these six keys, the Mountbatten has a space key, a backspace key, and a new line key.

(achieved by typing an apostrophe and overwriting it with a period using the backspace key), the asterisk (achieved in a similar way, with lowercase X and the.

The backspace key backed up the tape so a character could be recorded over; there was also a true backspace code, which allowed overstruck.

character was created as an unambiguous alternative to the much more common backspace character ("BS", U+0008), which has a now mostly obsolete alternative.

for cursor control (arrow keys) and text editing (tab, insert, delete, backspace, etc.

behavior of scrolling, and how the terminal handles compatibility with the backspace and delete key.

may refer to: an arrow (symbol), character of Unicode an arrow key or a backspace on a keyboard ←, <<, <-, representing the assignment operator in various.

tilde, an accent backspaced and printed over other letters for non-English languages.

Nowadays the key does not produce a backspaceable character in US/UK.


backspacer; typewriter keyboard; backspace key; key;


juvenile; antitype; unimportant; atonality;

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