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bads Meaning in Bengali


উচ্ছেদ, ধ্বংস, নাশ, বিনাশ, আপদ্, দু:খ, অসঙ্গল, অসুখ, বিপদ্, দুর্ভাগ্য, ব্যর্থতা, নিষ্ফলতা, সাফল্যহীনতা, বিকৃতমূর্তি করা, বিফলতা, অকৃতকার্যতা,


অনুপভোগ্য, অশুভ, অল্প, আনাড়ি, দরিদ্র, বদমাশ, কঠিন, অস্বাস্থ্যকর, অস্বস্তিকর, অনাদেয়, বিশ্রী, জাল, অসাধু, অপকৃষ্ট, অপ্রকৃষ্ট, অনুত্তম, দুষ্টু, ত্রুটিপূর্ণ, ক্ষতিকারক, ক্ষতিকর, অসৎ, কু, কদর্য, বদ, মন্দ, খারাপ,

bads's Usage Examples:

Master is "the central issue of season one"; The Master, like all the "big bads", is a "symptom of postmodernity".

the term 'decoupling' refers to breaking the link between "environmental bads" and "economic goods.

Green economists argue that the costs of public bads are hidden as externalities from the businesses that cause them — meaning.

PO+EF1 allocation of bads (chores) is not known to exist, even when all valuations are additive.

Does a PO+EF1 allocation of bads always exist? What is.

with bads (items with negative utilities) and with a mixture of goods and bads.

In contrast to the setting with goods, when the resources are bads the.

could lick her weight in wildcats!" "An inside comedy of the in-laws-the in-bads and all but ingratitude!" Farcical confusions ensue when newlywed bride Peggy.

hence, some goods can be "bads" and preferences can be non-monotone.

It rules out the extreme case where all goods are "bads", since the point x = 0 would.

The stated aim of the Commission is to bring about green fiscal reform, that is to move taxation away from bads to goods.


tough; unfavourable; distressing; horrid; corky; evil; unsuitable; painful; incompetent; negative; unskilled; uncool; deplorable; poor; naughty; awful; sad; icky; corked; worse; abominable; crappy; frightful; stinky; rotten; dreadful; terrible; quality; unfavorable; pitiful; hopeless; rubber; severe; swingeing; pretty; stinking; atrocious; hard; lamentable; ill; sorry; worst; fearful; mediocre; unspeakable; lousy; no-good; disobedient; shitty;


best; better; good; favorable; obedient;

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