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banded stilt Meaning in Bengali


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banded stilt's Usage Examples:

The banded stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus) is a nomadic wader of the stilt and avocet family, Recurvirostridae, native to Australia.

toes are webbed, partially in most stilts, and fully in avocets and the banded stilt, which swim more.

In the past, it has hosted up to 30,000 banded stilt, which are listed as vulnerable under the National Parks and Wildlife.

It is a major breeding area for the banded stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus).

of Belgium in which described the bird Leptorhynchus pectoralis (the banded stilt).

islands may support large numbers of breeding birds, particularly the banded stilt.

cormorant, red-necked stint, sharp-tailed sandpiper, red-capped plover, banded stilt, bar-tailed godwit, grey plover, common greenshank and masked lapwing.

The endangered fairy tern and the vulnerable eastern curlew and banded stilt have been recorded in the Tumby Island / Cape Euler coastal cell.

by many threatened species, including various migratory waders, the banded stilt, hooded plover and white-bellied sea eagle.

Some of the species found in the area include black-winged stilt, banded stilt, Australasian shoveller, Australian shelduck and the red-necked avocet.

It also supports up to 10% of the global population of banded stilt.

Beeac supports brine shrimp which in turn feed water birds such as the banded stilt and the red-necked avocet.

teal, grey teal, freckled duck, musk duck, pink-eared duck, hardhead, banded stilt, hoary-headed grebe, Australian pelican and yellow-billed spoonbill.

Between 1997 and 2006, populations ranging between 12 and 12,000 of the banded stilt were recorded.

double-banded plover, red-kneed dotterel, grey plover, Pacific golden plover, banded stilt, red-necked avocet, pied oystercatcher, curlew sandpiper, red-necked.

Area (IBA), because it has supported a high proportion of the known banded stilt mass breeding events.

teal, Australian shelduck, sharp-tailed sandpiper, red-necked stint, banded stilt, red-necked avocet, pied oystercatcher and red-capped plover.

conspicillatus), great egret (Ardea alba), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), and banded stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus).


stilt; Cladorhyncus leucocephalum; Australian stilt; genus Cladorhyncus; Cladorhyncus;


plain; complain;

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