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bantering Meaning in Bengali

 বিদ্রুপ করা, পরিহাস করা,

bantering শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অত্যাবশকীয় ছিল কিন্তু এই সহায়তার জন্য তাদেরকে খিতানদের গোলাম হিসেবে পরিহাস করা হয় ।

ভু, সুপ্তির সু এবং কুটিরের কু -এই তিন আদ্যাক্ষর যোগে তাঁকে ভুসুক বলে পরিহাস করা হত ।

bantering's Usage Examples:

(1671), written in the same bantering tone as the original work.

with the established dynamic between Clarke and May of bickering and bantering while drinking alcohol.

Xiangsheng language, rich in puns and allusions, is delivered in a rapid, bantering style, typically in the Beijing dialect (or in Mandarin Chinese with a.

He is known for bantering with audience members.

Short, stocky, and prematurely bald, Lloyd was remembered for informally bantering with, and occasionally bullying, the attendees at his private lectures.

various and controversial topics while employing their signature comedic bantering.

Much of the play consists of the characters bantering; the sole significant plot point is a story-within-a-story the character.

are known from Fields' surviving correspondence to have maintained a bantering relationship in which the two traded gossip and ideas for their acts.

Good natured, genial and popular, he spoke in Parliament in a typically bantering style, and his puns were a byword, but he was less at ease on serious.

Goss nailed the bantering love/hate relationship of the Doctor and Clara, capturing the bickering.

of its leading men; he specialised in playing the male half of witty, bantering couples.

Jamie shares a lively, bantering relationship with the Doctor, and during his time in the series sees the.

After bantering with Madmartigan and Sorsha, during which Sorsha bestows upon him a new.

Delgadillo would continue his humorous approach by bantering with his patrons over their choices of food, asking, for example, if they.

with a twist", the band is well known for their outrageously comedic bantering demeanor and audience participation, complemented by extreme flexibility.

Some bantering between Pete and Sam when they walk down the corridors of the SGC and the bantering between Sam, Pete and Jacob.

Parker’s Spenser and Hawk, minus the racial bantering.

She was also a regular on The Carol Burnett Show, frequently bantering with Burnett during the program's opening question-and-answer session.

As the play opens, we see Claverton's daughter Monica, bantering with her beau, Charles Hemington.


humorous; tongue-in-cheek; facetious; humourous;


unfunny; po-faced; humourless; displeasing; humorless;

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