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basidiospore Meaning in Bengali

একটি যৌন উত্পাদিত ফাংগাল স্পোর একটি basidium উপর বাহিত

basidiospore's Usage Examples:

A basidiospore is a reproductive spore produced by Basidiomycete fungi, a grouping that includes mushrooms, shelf fungi, rusts, and smuts.

sexual spores called basidiospores; occasionally the number may be two or even eight.

In a typical basidium, each basidiospore is borne at the tip of.

In 1952 basidiospores were described as being possible airborne allergens and were linked to asthma in 1969.

characterized by gelatinous-sheathed bowling-pin-shaped cystidia, on conidia, basidiospore germ tubes, and mycelium that adhere to and capture nematodes.

Coprinopsis radiata has been used as a model organism to study basidiospore formation.

differentiated from other polypores because they have a double-walled basidiospore.

These specialized spores are called basidiospores.

of the infectious propagule is unknown, the leading hypothesis is the basidiospore created through sexual or asexual reproduction.

naucoroid, brown-spored agarics with thick to slightly thickened, smooth, basidiospore walls that darken to reddish brown in potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution.

material we have seen the mature two-celled basidiospores attached to sterigmata.

Although the basidiospore is normally one-septate, as many as three septa.

forms, but shared several features in common, notably similarities in basidiospore shape (most having spiny to warted, often lobed spores) and similarities.

the genus in which Melzer specialized, the amyloid reaction of the basidiospore ornamentation or entire spore is of great taxonomic significance.

However, infection of living host tissue through basidiospores is quite rare.

Two basidiospores must germinate and fuse to be viable and produce mycelium.

to contain several former Entoloma species having obscurely angular basidiospore with 6–10 angles (some formerly classified as Rhodocybe).

basidiospore basidium (pl.

basidia) basidiospore basidium (pl.

The holotype of Aureofungus is a fruiting body and associated basidiospores.

light brown basidiospores, present on the hymenium associated with the fruiting body, are smooth and ellipsoidal to oblong.

Each basidiospore is approximately.

The basidiospores, present as both light and dark colored spores on the gill sides, are smooth and oval.

nitrate and basidiospores do not adhere in tetrads, but exhibit a lacrymoid (tear-shaped) morphology, a confluent base and a cyanophobic basidiospore wall.

plant directly; instead they germinate to produce basidia and basidiospores.

basidiospore's Meaning':

a sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium

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