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bathymetric Meaning in Bengali

এর বা সমুদ্রের বা হ্রদ অতল এর পরিমাপ সংক্রান্ত

bathymetric's Usage Examples:

A bathymetric chart is a type of isarithmic map that depicts the submerged topography and physiographic features of ocean and sea bottoms.

de-emphasize the actual submarine topography that would be portrayed on bathymetric charts.

The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) is a publicly available bathymetric chart of the world's oceans.

Generally, the volume must be inferred from bathymetric data by integration.

Numerous bathymetric anomalies hint at the basin's dynamic tectonic history.

west of the island of Molokaʻi, under relatively shallow water (see bathymetric map at the right).

tinting of maps and globes is often accompanied by a similar method of bathymetric tinting to convey differences in water depth.

However, the plan is to eventually integrate a bathymetric model to describe the seabed.

Due to the unique bathymetric properties of the site, visitors on the shore can be within 20 feet of.

Rockall Trough (Scottish Gaelic: Clais Sgeir Rocail) is a deep-water bathymetric feature to the northwest of Scotland and Ireland, running roughly from.

(multibeam) echosounder systems, limits the horizontal and vertical bathymetric sensor resolution hydrographers can obtain from onsite data.

It includes the following bathymetric basins: Bornholm Basin (part, max.

represents an alternative to traditional approaches to manage bathymetric data by creating bathymetric databases that can be used to generate high-resolution.

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the agency responsible for bathymetric data in the United States, still uses fathoms and feet on nautical charts.

The fan was first identified by bathymetric survey in the sixties by Bruce C.

although this figure has recently been proven false after a lake-wide bathymetric survey was performed from 2013 to 2014 by Eian Ray and Jeff Enge.

Modern bathymetric soundings have shown that the centers of the Mindoro Strait and the Sibutu.

bathymetric's Meaning':

of or relating to measurements of the depths of oceans or lakes

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