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batons Meaning in Bengali

 রূল, ক্ষুদ্র লাঠিবিশেষ,


ক্ষুদ্র লাঠিবিশেষ, রূল,

batons শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

"থিওরি অব দ্য রূল অব কোভালেন্স ইন দ্য পেরোভস্কাইট-টাইপ ম্যানগানাইটস" ।

batons's Usage Examples:

Some criminals use batons as weapons because of their simple construction and easy concealment.

The use or carrying of batons or improvised clubs by.

and Großadmirals carried ceremonial batons, specially manufactured by German jewellers.

Seven styles of batons were awarded to 25 individuals.

flags, light-up batons, fire batons, maces and rifles.

They do illusions, cartwheels, and flips, and sometimes twirl up to four batons at a time.

Modern batons are generally made of a lightweight wood, fiberglass or carbon fiber which.

small handles at each end; rod type rolling pins are usually thin tapered batons.

the objective is to knock over wooden blocks (kubbar) by throwing wooden batons (kastpinnar) at them.

charging at a crowd of people with batons and in some cases, riot shields.

They run at the crowd hitting people with their batons, and in some situations use.

Two teams compete to score points by depositing colored batons in various types of goals.

Some officers carry expandable batons, and some officers carry more traditional wooden straight batons.

These batons sometimes are connected to a leather.

telescoping batons are widely used.

Secret Service use ASP batons making them an.

Six of wands or batons is a card used in Latin-suited playing cards, which include tarot decks.

Minor Arcana of 56 cards, with 14 cards in each suit: Wands (alternately batons, clubs, staffs, or staves), Cups (chalices, goblets, or vessels), Swords.


wand; rod;


divide; spread;

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