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be brought Meaning in Bengali

 উপনীত হত্তয়া,

be brought's Usage Examples:

limitations are distinguished from serious crimes because these claims may be brought at any time.

It is a diagnosis of exclusion and can sometimes be brought about by hyperventilation.

actions include: medical professionals: a medical malpractice claim may be brought against a doctor or other healthcare provider who fails to exercise the.

It can be brought about through intimidation, physical or mental mistreatment or trickery.

or tenements nor taken, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without he be brought to answer by due process of law.

It can be brought on by smoking, a bad diet, or many genetic factors.

chasing (pursuing) or being chased, when the ship's broadside could not be brought to bear.

culturally appropriate name and a request to support the initiative will be brought to the Municipal District of Bighorn later this month (Sep 2020).

A supersaturated solution is in a metastable state; it may be brought to equilibrium by forcing the excess of solute to separate from the solution.

It often has flanking towers that enabled grazing fire to be brought to bear in front of the curtain wall and gave additional protection to.

the Viceroyalty of Peru allowed for popular dishes such as ceviche to be brought to other Spanish colonies in the region, and in time they became a part.

It is common for a federal government to be brought into being by agreement between a number of formally independent states.

optical power) leads to higher magnification because the subject can be brought closer to the center of projection.

The key advantage of self-propelled over towed artillery is that it can be brought into action much faster.

aid or guidance of a vanguard party and that it cannot and should not be brought about by the actions of individuals such as professional revolutionaries.

jurisdictions where the executive can control legislative business a bill may be brought in by executive fiat.

He argued that the amount of a nation's military power that could be brought to bear in any part of the world depended on geographic distance.

good for animals because if they weren't consumed, fewer animals would be brought into existence.

It allows cases to be brought against suspects under international criminal law provisions, meaning.


act; stagnate; account; buy; hang around; mope; need; confound; kill; put out; feel; loiter; relate; suck; hum; befuddle; hail; compare; yawn; hang; stay; adorn; specify; incline; be well; curve; come in for; incarnate; bedevil; translate; turn out; number; cover; work; iridesce; hurt; add up; swim; body forth; run; suit; hoodoo; cut across; consist; footle; seethe; cut; deck; suffer; sparkle; lallygag; cohere; owe; balance; represent; seem; distribute; trim; measure; substantiate; bake; moon about; take; point; disaccord; delimit; define; litter; shine; remain; fox; range; lollygag; squat; moon around; grace; twist; beautify; make sense; coruscate; tarry; stand; loaf; accept; terminate; scintillate; retard; gravitate; end; tend; wash; jumble; beat; come in handy; lend; stand by; yaw; abound; stick; fuddle; draw; continue; rut; figure; look; transplant; mess about; promise; rage; encounter; decorate; embellish; broil; buzz; drown; delineate; contain; gape; make; connect; discord; lurk; hold; mill around; compact; delimitate; stay on; boil; amount; press; matter; lubricate; depend; deserve; osculate; lie; object; rate; pack; lean; throw; confuse; be given; pay; head up; wind; sell; cost; lounge; require; recognize; enter; comprise; merit; subtend; swing; test; come; embody; go; fall; fit; rest; stink; impend; total; start; breathe; rank; prove; count; weigh; disagree; run into; underlie; let go; appear; stick by; clean; interrelate; begin; answer; account for; belong; linger; head; mingle; discombobulate; mill about; adhere; want; turn up; diverge;


change; be well; agree; suffer; converge;

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