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be timid Meaning in Bengali

 ভীত হত্তয়া, ডরালু হত্তয়া, লাজুক হত্তয়া, লজ্জাশীল হত্তয়া,

be timid's Usage Examples:

They also tend to be timid, overly worried about the future, and focused on the past.

Thus, though normally tame, they may be timid and easily frightened.

Armstrong was known to be timid, and had a crush on the beautiful vocalist.

They are known to be timid but if caught they generally will bite very easily.

[citation needed] "Miriam-Teak Lee interview: 'Juliet was going to be timid – then I walked in'".

of the Bush administration's environmental policies says we shouldn't be timid about timber.

the other in a line cornet sachet en plastique plastic bag se gêner - to be timid arquer marcher walk, proceed Je ne peux plus arquer Je ne peux plus marcher.

the family members could ease any stress that could lead the patient to be timid.

The police arrive, but they turn out to be timid.

Keeshonden can also be timid dogs.

He is into computers and academics and has a tendency to be timid.

Firmly religious, he can be timid and something of a pushover.

You can't be timid with a trumpet: notes from the orchestra (1st ed.

Witnessing this, Sobble is more determined to be strong and not be timid.

He considered the film to be timid and too refined in its depiction of the subject matter.

" He was reputed by the author of the vida to be timid, especially in the company of noblemen, but to sing "in a charming way".

want Reserve policy to be most effective, the Member Banks are likely to be timid about buying new investments or making loans.

Sometimes, he can be timid and a bit of a scaredy-cat, but he dreams of becoming a researcher at the.

the members of Weather, as when Rudd told other members of SDS, " Don't be timid about telling people we're Communist.

He is very quiet and shy and has also shown himself to be timid and easily frightened, being very jumpy at times.


unassertive; timorousness; bashful; coy; timorous; unadventurous; timidity; afraid; fearful; mousy; cowardly; intimidated; backward; trepid; mousey;


unafraid; brave; bold; boldness; forward; adventurous; assertive;

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