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begin Meaning in Bengali

 আরামম্ভ করা,শুরু হওয়া


চলা, জুড়া, পত্তন করা, পড়া, আসা, সূত্রপাত হত্তয়া, সূত্রপাত করা, উদ্ভূত করা, উদ্ভূত হত্তয়া, শুরু হত্তয়া, বলিতে আরম্ভ করা, আরম্ভ হত্তয়া, আরম্ভ করা, শুরু করা, লাগা,


চলা, জুড়া, পত্তন করা, পড়া, আসা, সূত্রপাত হত্তয়া, সূত্রপাত করা, উদ্ভূত করা, উদ্ভূত হত্তয়া, শুরু হত্তয়া, বলিতে আরম্ভ করা, আরম্ভ হত্তয়া, আরম্ভ করা, শুরু করা, লাগা,

begin's Usage Examples:

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}|A-\lambda I|'=\left|{\begin{bmatrix}2'1\\1'2\end{bmatrix}}-\lambda {\begin{bmatrix}1'0\\0'1\end{bmatrix}}\right|={\begin{vmatrix}2-\lambda.

kittens quickly develop and begin to explore the world outside the nest.

After a further three to four weeks, they begin to eat solid food and grow adult.

{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}1'9'-13\\20'5'-6\end{bmatrix}}.

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\nabla \cdot \mathbf {E} '=0\quad '\nabla \times \mathbf {E} '=-{\frac.

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}|A|={\begin{vmatrix}a'b'c\\d'e'f\\g'h'i\end{vmatrix}}'=a\,{\begin{vmatrix}e'f\\h'i\end{vmatrix}}-b\,{\begin.

{v} \ =\ {\begin{bmatrix}\cos \theta '-\sin \theta \\\sin \theta '\cos \theta \end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}x\\y\end{bmatrix}}\ =\ {\begin{bmatrix}x\cos.

\sigma _{x}={\begin{pmatrix}0'1\\1'0\end{pmatrix}},\quad \sigma _{y}={\begin{pmatrix}0'-i\\i'0\end{pmatrix}},\quad \sigma _{z}={\begin{pmatrix}1'0\\0'-1\end{pmatrix}}.

}}{\begin{bmatrix}\Psi \end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}{\begin{Bmatrix}\psi _{1}\end{Bmatrix}}{\begin{Bmatrix}\psi _{2}\end{Bmatrix}}\cdots {\begin{Bmatrix}\psi.

F_{0}}\\'={\begin{pmatrix}\varphi '-\varphi ^{-1}\\1'1\end{pmatrix}}{\begin{pmatrix}\varphi ^{n}'0\\0'(-\varphi )^{-n}\end{pmatrix}}{\frac {1}{\sqrt {5}}}{\begin{pmatrix}1'\varphi.

3 ] = κ X {\displaystyle \mathbf {F} \,=\,{\begin{bmatrix}F_{1}\\F_{2}\\F_{3}\end{bmatrix}}\,=\,{\begin{bmatrix}\kappa _{11}'\kappa _{12}'\kappa _{13}\\\kappa.

, {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {a\times b} '={\begin{vmatrix}a_{2}'a_{3}\\b_{2}'b_{3}\end{vmatrix}}\mathbf {i} -{\begin.

or h = θ G + λ o − α α = θ L − h or α = θ G + λ o − h {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}h'=\theta _{\text{L}}-\alpha ''{\mbox{or}}'h'=\theta _{\text{G}}+\lambda.

_{2}^{-1}\mathbf {x} _{2}\right)\\[5pt]'={\begin{bmatrix}0.


={\begin{bmatrix}{\dfrac {\partial \mathbf {f} }{\partial x_{1}}}'\cdots '{\dfrac {\partial \mathbf {f} }{\partial x_{n}}}\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}\nabla.


many nouns and adjectives begin with two or more contiguous consonants.

This is because syllables in the language often begin with two consonants.


plunge; get cracking; get weaving; commence; get moving; strike out; set about; get to; attack; get; get down; jump off; come on; auspicate; launch; start; break in; start out; set out; get started; fall; get going; recommence; embark; bestir oneself; enter; get rolling;


file out; pop out; punch out; clock out; end;

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