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begrimed Meaning in Bengali

নোংরা নোংরা বা মলিন করতে

begrimed's Usage Examples:

lurid light Reveals on every side     A thousand, thousand shades Of Death begrimed and black — Read the full poem at Wikisource The poem glorifies the goddess.

cayó por asomarse —the one that fell because peeked—, la tiznada —the begrimed—, la tostada —the toast, the tan one—, la trampa —the trap—, el tren —the.

normally worked in hard white plaster (though what you see is usually begrimed by the smoke of the coffee hearth).

The smoke from tourists' fires has begrimed the walls.

in an Ayrshire farmhouse so grubby that even from the stalls you feel begrimed and queasy".

The habitations are begrimed with smut and dirt.

racial stereotype during this time, and Othello's contrast between his "begrimed" features and the purity of the goddess Diana.

(GG, 1314) “Deprived of sangat, one’s self remains begrimed.

groups of men, women and children, with weary, blood-shot eyes and smoke begrimed faces, standing over their scraps of furniture and clothing -- some of.

The uncropped negative shows two ratings lifting the exhausted, sea-sodden and soot-begrimed marine by both arms.

flag of the United States has been raised from the dust and mire, smoke begrimed, powder stained and bullet ridden and thrown to the breeze to float forever.

sharpened here and there by pain or cunning; skin and muscle and flesh begrimed with smoke and ashes”.

Bloomberg, "we now look at a city whose best neighborhoods are absolutely begrimed by these blazing blue Citibank bikes.

Othello the Moor says, "Her name, that was as fresh as Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black as my own face.

(1883) as "an eating cancer on the body municipal, and within its crime begrimed walls have been enacted so many villainies, that the world has wondered.

report juxtaposes the "bronzed, slope-shouldered, uncouth" marching men "begrimed with dust" and the spectators dressed in "summer gowns, lace parasols,.

stage paintings are discernable, though the former are more faded and begrimed with early centuries of Hinayana worship.

begrimed's Meaning':

make soiled filthy or dirty


soiled; dirty; raunchy; dingy; grubby; grungy; grimy; unclean;


clean; dirtiness; tidy; decent; fair;

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