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bellowed Meaning in Bengali

 গর্জন করা, গর্জন করিয়া বলা, গাঁ গাঁ করা,


গুরুগম্ভীর গর্জন, ষাঁড়়ের ডাক, চীত্কার, নর্দন,


গাঁ গাঁ করা, গর্জন করিয়া বলা, গর্জন করা,

bellowed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

থাকা সম্মান বজায় থাকা মুখ দেখাতে না পারা লজ্জিত হওয়া মুখ নাড়া তর্জন গর্জন করা মুখ শুকিয়ে আমশি হওয়া বিবর্ণ/বিরস/বিশীর্ণ হওয়া মুখ পোড়া সম্মানহানি ।

নিউজিল্যান্ড জার্নালের,একটি জার্নাল,সমসাময়িক সাহিত্য-ঔপনিবেশিক পাঠ্য,সাউল নর্দন ,নোটগুলি জার্নাল,দক্ষিণ এশিয়া গবেষণা,দক্ষিণ এশিয়ান পর্যালোচনা,আমেরিকান ।

কোম্পানি পৃষ্ঠা 91. আইএসবিএন 9780393045550. ষাটের দশকের ওয়েস্টার্নের গর্জন করা চল্লিশটি ।

খালি কলসি বাজে বেশি অন্তঃসারশূন্য ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর বাহ্যিকভাবে তর্জন-গর্জন করা

হিসাবে তীব্র; জীবনের অদ্ভুত-কৌতুক (শ্লোক) তার বোঝার মিলন কুন্ডার এবং শেল গর্জন করা সঙ্গে সমান হয় ।

bellowed's Usage Examples:

The original HUT design for the EMU, first used in 1980, included bellowed shoulder bearings, which allowed for variation in the angle of the shoulder.

His first commercial played up the clichéd notion (usually bellowed out by hecklers), that umpires should get glasses because of questionable.

he invariably did the next time Mr Pope struck the pads and this time bellowed a demand for lbw.

The station commander bellowed, "Tell the pilot of that Mustang to observe proper landing procedure.

and the bulls of Guisando partly death and partly stone bellowed like two centuries tired of treading the earth The bulls are protected.

Ruth turned to the umpire and bellowed, "There's forty thousand people in this park that know that was a ball.

literally Water Buffalo Crier, which refers to water where a buffalo cried or bellowed.

Denis Gifford wrote, "Alfred Marks Time, with its bellowed intro, began on 12 April 1956, and presented an unprecedented parade of.

He bellowed, "In this man's Navy, there will be no flippant remarks on the radio!".

horses and bellowed scores of curses each time they became stuck, which happened all the time; wheels and weapons rattled, soldiers bellowed; all staggered.

both legs, each with a hidden zippered pocket on top of cargo pocket, a bellowed flap pocket with increased carrying capacity, besom pockets on calves for.

Some excited fan in the stands bellowed, 'Hold your horses, the elephants are coming!' and out stamped this Alabama.

Albert Speer who was in the vicinity recalled that Hitler bellowed for Martin Bormann after reading the letter.

helical reinforcement rings are applied to maintain these corrugated or bellowed structures under internal pressure.

Chuck Dukowski's bass line and features Henry Rollins on lead vocals and bellowed backing vocals from band members.

blustery Captain Bligh/Charles Laughton-like "Admiral Zahrk" who constantly bellowed about "Mister Kidno" and his missing goat cheese in the Lost in Space episode.

Mojo reviewer wrote that Rev Run's "bellowed cadences are as timeless and elemental as the blues".

centuries later Benvenuto Cellini claimed in his autobiography to have bellowed so loud as to reach the sphere of fire.

Fountain Square victory celebration, he famously grabbed the microphone and bellowed to the cheering crowd, "We've got the rings, we've got the money, we've.

It featured a bellowed vocal delivery (like that of a real driver shouting to be heard) and studio-created.


bawl; shout;


cause to sleep; demobilize; whisper;

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