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bench press Meaning in Bengali


বেঞ্চ প্রেস,

bench press শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হিসেবে জিম উত্তোলন (প্রত্যেক বিভাগে): স্কোয়াট – ৪০৫ কেজি (৮৯১ পাউন্ড) বেঞ্চ প্রেস – ৩০০ কেজি (৬৬০ পাউন্ড) লেগ প্রেস – ১০০০ কেজি (২,২০০ পাউন্ড) Ed Hall ।

যা তিনটি লিফটে সর্বোচ্চ ওজনের তিনটি প্রচেষ্টা নিয়ে গঠিত: স্কোয়াট, বেঞ্চ প্রেস এবং ডেড লিফ্ট ।

শক্তিবর্ধক খেলার তিনটি ভারোত্তোলন ধাপের মধ্যে একটি, আর অপরদুইটি হল ডেডলিফট ও বেঞ্চ প্রেস

ব্যায়াম পেক্টোরাল পেশীর বিকাশে অবদান রাখে, ঠিক যেভাবে ওয়াইড গ্রিপ বেঞ্চ প্রেস ব্যায়ামে পেক্টোরাল পেশীর উপর বেশি এবং ট্রাইসেপ্সের উপর কম গুরুত্ব দেওয়া ।

bench press's Usage Examples:

The bench press, or chest press, is an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training.

consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Bench press world records are the international records in bench press across the years, regardless of weight class or governing organization, for bench.

with plates Powerlifting, a sport consisting of three attempts: squat, bench press, and deadlift Weight training, strength training through the use of weights.

Oyema Weightlifting Women's Open bench press 12 October  Gold Yakunu Adesokan Weightlifting Men's Open bench press 12 October  Gold Kate Nwaka Oputa.

athletic tests include a standing vertical jump, maximum vertical jump, bench press, three-quarter-court sprint time, lane agility time, and modified event.

recorded an official bench press of 705 lb (320 kg) and a squat of 905 lb (411 kg).

He also did 20 repetitions of incline bench press with 520 lb (236 kg).

adduction and elbow extensions such as the barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, and machine bench press induce high activation of the pectoralis major.

The bench press is one of the most exciting drills at E-Camp, because it evaluates both.

4 lbs (300 kg) bench press and an 837.

The bench press and deadlift were done raw (unequipped), while.

He is also known as the first man to bench press 400, 450, and 500 pounds (raw).

He is known to be the first man in history to bench press over 700 pounds in competition establishing an official world record.

is one of the three powerlifting exercises, along with the squat and bench press.

1969) is an American armwrestler and powerlifter, who specializes in the bench press.

Gehrig holds the bench press record at both West Coast and St Kilda as well as being the best bench press performer in the AFL, with many.

He also finished last in the bench press, vertical jump, and broad jump among all offensive linemen at the combine.

The only discipline in Paralympic powerlifting is the bench press.

The Women's Open bench press weightlifting event was an event at the weightlifting competition The whole competition took place on 12 October at 14:00.


incline bench press; weightlifting; weightlift;


beseeching; curse; bless; outbid; underbid;

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