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besiegement Meaning in Bengali


besiegement's Usage Examples:

and an air bridge supply effort, the Royal Lao Army troops survived besiegement in a fixed defensive position, only to abandon their position post-battle.

It received its unusual name during a besiegement by the English, whereby the inhabitants shared their rations a bite a.

to ultimately take over the entire Sawayama castle through means of besiegement, but were met with failure in this attempt after Kazumasa was sent as.

He was also a member of the force trapped in Ladysmith during its besiegement by the Boers, which adversely affected his health.

wrangling regarding whether or not he would be able to stand resulted in the besiegement of Guatemala City by FRG supporters bussed in from all over the country.

during 1982-83) led to strong conflict inside the country, including the besiegement of Guatemala for a day: 24 July 2003, known as jueves negro ("Black Thursday").

Northern River Hotel (Bei He Dian, 北河店), thus successfully avoiding besiegement, but in doing so their attempts to reinforce were doomed.

In 1807 the Prussian garrison withstood another besiegement by the allied Napoleonic and Bavarian forces under General Bernhard Erasmus.

Hvězda of Vícemilice aka Bzdinka conquered the castle after five weeks' besiegement.

Porsena was so impressed by this, that he gave up the besiegement of Rome.

still used, the cathedral fell into disrepair, which culminated with its besiegement by the Swedish army and attempted demolition in 1567 during the Northern.

A shunned farmer attempts to warn his neighbors of an impending besiegement by crazed ravens, A small town sheriff and the trapped citizens of the.

the regiment where his father was the Party commissary got out of the besiegement, the hooliganism in a public place, the refusal to drink for the health.

1552, another depiction appeared on the so-called "Belagerungsplan" (besiegement plan) of Conrad Faber von Creuznach, who had already sketched the bridge.

vacuum throughout much of Greece, which contributed, in part, to Thebes' besiegement by Demetrius Poliorcetes in 293 BC, and again after a revolt in 292 BC.

of a corps responsible for military fortifications, the mechanics of besiegement, and hydraulics.

had broken through Hereward's defences in 1071, after several years of besiegement, the rebels implored the royal mercy.

Yongzhou, the Song army and people in the city were still able to stand the besiegement for 40 days and inflicted high casualties on the Vietnamese forces.

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